Where is my Spaceship

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Where is my Spaceship

Soooo we're not going to talk about last time as I don't want to.

I really need to learn how to code as otherwise I'm not in for a good time.

I can overhear my parents talking about something rather strange

"It's going to be really hard raising them, isn't it?" Said what I think is mother.

"I know it's going to be hard. But if we don't, who's going to?" This must be mom.

"I don't want them to die more than necessary. If we do this, are you prepared?" What do you mean die? Prepared for what? Do they not want me? Am I not needed?

"I don't want to permanently die, but if it's for them then I will. After all, I shouldn't decide who should live or die." Permanently die? Did I die? If I died again, how am I here?

"I love you too much to have you die. What do we do?" What's happening I... I don't want to hear this... I'm going to train.

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This is a lot harder than I thought, how you may ask? Simple I don't have access to the internet! How the hell do you code without steali... borrowing other people's code? Wait why the hell am I learning to code, I can just will it into existence. An authority has absolute control over its domain, so why didn't I just have it work? Because I just didn't think of it and that was my first time trying. You try coming up with how to train something you have just thought up.

Hmm could I make a spaceship? Probably but it would be hard, I wonder where I would put it if I made it. It would be pretty hard to hide my, moms really watch over me after my little stunt.

Maybe I could put it in a hole. That's a great idea, now to make a hole.

Maybe mom could stop watching me and maybe help.

"What are you doing Ranran? Are you making a hole? What for?" Mom asked.

"Spaceship." I say like an old sensei teaching their young student.

"Oh where are you going to go with it?"


"Well where in space? Do you want to see the battlefield of ashtart?" Oh a battlefield that's gotta have lots of fun stuff!

"Yeah!" That's gonna be so cool to look at.

"Okay let's go there soon" Yeah space adventure this is gonna be so fun!

"Wait, how are we going to get there? I don't think we have a Spaceship." So I just have to build one this will be even better!

"Wait, we haven't shown you the ship yet? Or do you not remember being on it?" We have one!? I want to see it!

"We have one? I've just seen them in the sky and in our neighbor's backyard!" I get to study one up close? Hell Yeah I love space!

"Yeah of course we do, otherwise how would we get to work?" Wait, they don't have work on this planet? Where do they work?

"Where do you work?" I need to know!

"We're diplomats. We have to have them otherwise how would we make peace?" My parents are diplomats? They must work in a lot of places and maybe now I can go along with them now that they seem okay with me going to space.

"Can I go as well?" I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait! Space adventures!

"Well yeah we've always brought you along. We've just taken a vacation, that's why we haven't left in a while."

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