Chapter 2: A Real Friend in a Virtual World

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You and Chiaki are still in Oasis, walking through Harmony's Safe Zone. The Safe Zone is a large city that similar to the one in the real world, but with a slightly different design.

You saw Chiaki holding her hands in front of her and moving her fingers as if she's playing on her game console.

"Hey Chiaki, I don't think you brought your game console in here."

Chiaki looked at you before looking at her hands and putting them down.

Chiaki: "Sorry. I forget that sometimes."

"No worries. There are times that I try to pull out my phone to check the time, but I realize I don't have it and I can check the time for both the game and the real world on my HUD."

Chiaki laughed a little.

Chiaki: "That's how it was for me, but it's mostly my game console."

You and Chiaki see a military district is in development which offers high risk and reward missions when completed.

"So, I bet you're famous in Oasis."

Chiaki: "Not really, but that's because I prefer to be that way."

"How so?"

Chiaki: "Games are everything to me, but I don't want people to expect me to focus everything in this. Otherwise, I won't be playing for fun anymore."

"I hear you. I think I have something a little similar to your reason."

Chiaki: "What is it?"

"I know most people prefer to spend their time in Oasis, but I always find myself drawn back to the real world. I know this place is supposed to be more fun, but I think reality shouldn't be neglected."

Chiaki: "I think I understand what you're saying, although my opinion is complicated."

"You want to talk to me about it? You can if you want."

Chiaki: "Maybe later, but I have to say, it's nice to have finally made a friend in the real world. I had a little trouble doing that before. I'm really enjoying our time together."

"So am I. Still up for playing Gala Omega later?"

Chiaki: "Absolutely!"

"Cool. Hey, there's a place in the safe zone that serves really good pizza. Want to grab some?"

Chiaki: "I am interested in virtual food. Let's go."

You and Chiaki walk to continue exploring Harmony's Safe Zone.

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