Chapter 4: It's a Fantasy World

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You and Chiaki are sitting on a bench playing Gala Omega together.

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(A/N: replace Hajime with yourself, and you'll get what I mean)

"With the many classic games put in Oasis, you'd think Gala Omega would be one of them."

Chiaki: "It would be really cool if we could be the ones in Gala Omega."

"Yeah, you'd definitely have the score in the game."

Chiaki: "Hey, want to enter Oasis tonight? I think they've finally finished the maintenance for the Fantasy worlds."

"I'm always down for going into Oasis. Although I spend most of my time in Harmony and the Science fiction worlds."

Chiaki: "Same. I'm more used to high-tech weapons and gadgets than swords and magic."

"I've seen a lot of shows involving swords and magic and I wonder how they stay in the same civilization forever."

Chiaki: "Probably because the existence of magic caused science and technology to stagnate."

"Yeah, maybe."

You and Chiaki played for a bit longer before heading home. You entered Oasis and met Chiaki's avatar.

"So, want to head to Yggdrasil first?"

Chiaki: "Sure!"

You opened up your menu and selected the world of Yggdrasil. Your and Chiaki's avatars are then equipped with fantasy-style clothing and armor.

"It's been a while since I was here."

Chiaki: "When was the last time you were here?"

"8 months. The last quest I took was exposing a corrupt king."

Chiaki: "The last quest I took here was to slay a dragon."

"Organic monsters in Oasis are programmed to simulate actual rotting. You dispose of the dragon carcass properly?"

Chiaki: "Yes. I figured that out when it wasn't disappearing after a few minutes."

"Well, I need to get used to being here again. Want to go head into the forest and deal with whatever monster comes our way?"

Chiaki: "Sure."

You and Chiaki headed into a large forest and traveled through it, dealing with whatever creature came your way. Afterwards, you and Chiaki sat on a tree trunk and rest for a bit.

"I know that there is no official class system so players can play however they like, but I feel a lot like a swordsman."

Chiaki: "Same for me. I prefer a bow and dagger when playing here."

You looked around and saw a large city with a castle.

"Hey, it's Avalon. They put it back in the Yggdrasil."

Chiaki: "Oh, I want to see it. It's the first city I visited when I first entered this world."

"Same for me. Let's head there now."

Chiaki: "Okay!"

She took your hand and you headed for Avalon to check it out.

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