Foreword from the Author

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A foreword from the Author:

Greetings my most dearest (and most committed if you've made it this far) of readers! Lately I've had a couple of inquiries regarding any further work or stories of mine—so I present to you, dearest reader, with my entries to Wattpad's "Write to Rank" contest. Held back during the summer of 2022 by the Official "Action" Wattpad profile @action, they've been freshly brought out of the vault for your reading pleasure... although I believe our definitions of the word vary wildly.

The experience of the competition and writing these stories was extremely challenging for me – a short story of a different prompt revolving around action was to be produced every week(!) for nine weeks—with each week increasing in both the frequency of word count and prompt difficulty. The fact I was able to complete the requirement each week, amongst personal challenges and struggles during those nine weeks (which is a surprisingly long time when experienced real-time) really gave me the opportunity to prove something to myself that I needed at the time—I consider the entire experience a gift, and something I'll always be eternally grateful to Wattpad for.

So here, dearest reader, are the short stories—9 of them in total, unaltered and presented exactly as written. I attempted to challenge myself in a myriad of various ways in each one, so some of the stories might get pretty goofy lol. But like every collection of short stories, some are bangers, some are easily skimmable, and some are... uh... you know...

Written in a week with no ideas and in a rush.

I hope you enjoy them!

- E.M. Heartspark

Write to Rank 2022 [Genre - ACTION]Where stories live. Discover now