Teddy | CL16

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17th of July 2025

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17th of July 2025.

Charles had nipped out to get something so I pulled out the bear I had made for him. It was a soft, cuddly, chocolate brown bear with a red top on with '17' displayed on the back. I pressed it's paw for the second time to confirm it worked, and when I heard the message I placed it inside the gift bag and neatly tied the top of it into a bow. The gold and white striped bag sat in the end of our bed. I knew today would be hard for Charles, every year it is but today it was 10 years. 10 years since he lost Jules. I cautiously moved the bag onto the desk in our hotel room and waited for Charles to get back.

I heard our hotel room door buzz as he used our room key to enter. I smiled as I saw his bright eyes and messy hair appearing in the door frame.

"I'm back chérie!" He called out into the living space. I stood up off our bed and walked over taking the food from him.

"I've got something for you." I told him, he gave me a puzzled look with his head tilted to the left as he shut the door.

"What is it?" He asked impatiently following me into the room as I placed the food down on a small table in the corner of the room. I pointed to the bag and explained it was in there. He carefully undid the bow and pulled out the bear. "Awhh." He cooed running his fingers over the soft material a smile now on his face. "Thank you." He said to me.

"Press it's paw." I told him and he did.

Hi Charles! How are you doing?

He looked down at the bear tears welling in his eyes as he heard Jules' voice for the first time in 10 years. I smiled and he squeezed his arms around me as he sniffled, the bear still in his arms.

"Thank you." He sobbed before pressing it again to hear his voice again. He cried onto my shoulder as Jules' voice rang through his ears again. "Thank you so much." He reiterated. I kept my arms around him and gently rubbed my thumb over the bottom of his neck. I held him close to me and let him cry, much like he has done for me.

Guaranteed it happened a decade ago but for Charles it still hurt, I knew it did. He hated July as a whole, the entire month was torture for him, every other post on Instagram or TikTok was about Jules.

He pressed the bear's paw again and pulled the teddy in between us pressing it against our chests, tears still flowing down his cheeks.

"It's alright, I know you miss him." I comforted him, my grasp not leaving his body until he signalled for me to do so.

Around 10 minutes later he had calmed down and pressed the hand a few more times. A smile curling onto his lips with each time it spoke. I smiled as I looked at him listening to the bear as I put out our food.

"Shit." I muttered "They forgot the cutlery, I'll go get some." Charles nodded as I pulled on my crocs and walked out the door.

Charles grabbed his phone keen to show off what he'd been given to everyone he knew.

"Hello everyone." He smiled at the camera on his phone. "Guess what Y/n got me." He beamed before holding up the bear and showing them it, he turned it around to show them the '17' on the back of the red shirt that adorned its chocolate brown fur. "And guess what it does." He fumbled with it before pressing paw and hearing the same message he'd been listening to for a few minutes now. "It's a Jules bear." He grinned before ending the video and putting it on his Instagram story.

I walked back into our hotel room with our cutlery and we sat down to eat our meal.

Afterwards I checked Instagram to see his story and everyone's responses were positive.

oscarPi8ASStr1: That's so cute !
popiaLilly: You can see how happy that's made him 🥰

I smiled looking down at the comments and then over at Charles who was lay next to me cradling his new bear.

A few months later and he was still travelling with us, Jules Bear, I had posted a photo of Charles sleeping on the plane with Jules Bear on his lap. Then he and Jules Bear at Suzuka, Jules Bear peaking out of his bag as he got his debrief.

Jules Bear continued to travel around with us, everywhere we went. Even if it was a family holiday he bought Jules along with us.

Jules Bear was never far from him, when we were at the airport flying around during the season he was in Charles hand luggage aka a small bag that barely fit him in.

"Y/n!" I heard a worried shout from Charles as I packed away my toiletries in the bathroom.

"What's wrong Cha?" I asked him poking my head around the door to see he'd pulled the duvet off the bed and moved all the pillows.

"Where's Jules Bear?" He asked before dropping down onto his knees and looking under the bed in a frantic search for him.

"In your bag." I told him he grabbed the bag and practically ripped it open before breathing a sigh of relief as he saw the chocolate brown bear.


Sorry it's short I just wanted to use this idea but couldn't think of how to make it 1500+ words.

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