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Hello! I'll just get right into the guidelines since I know you only came here for the boys, not me lol

I WILL NOT write:

· Smut/lemons

· Incest

· Pedophilia

· Anything bigoted/hurtful

· For any female characters (because this story is for the guys only—I'm considering writing a story for the girls, too, but I don't know if anyone will read it. Thoughts, please??? It's needed!)

· For Mineta. I haven't seen anyone request it ever, but I don't want to risk it.

I WILL write:

• Fluff

• Angst

• Limes

• Pretty much anything else, I think? Drop requests if you have them!

There's also season 6 spoilers, so if you haven't seen it (or read the manga equivalent) I'd steer clear of this story for now.

Read on, friends!

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