He realizes his feelings for you

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Izuku Midoriya

· He was nervous around you since the first day of high school, but he could never figure out why.

· One day, you touched the top of his head as a greeting, and he got so flustered he had to cover his face to calm down.

· He then realized that he doesn't act like that around anyone else, not even all the girls in his class, so he concluded that it must be romance that he was feeling.

Katsuki Bakugo

· He was always glaring at you during class, grinding his teeth and everything.

· Kirishima called him out on it, saying, "Dude, you obsess over them more than Midoriya and All Might!"

· Obviously, Kiri got his head exploded for that, but Bakugo never stopped thinking about it since.

Shoto Todoroki

· He didn't understand why he always got so anxious and excited whenever you were around and frantically went to Izuku for help.

· Izuku was thrilled—he was one of the many students to shipped you two—and said that Todoroki might have a crush on you.

· Poor guy didn't even know what that meant—he was horrified and said that he would never crush you.

· Izuku had to explain what it meant, and Todoroki almost immediately went "Oh. Yeah, I DO have a crush on them."

Eijiro Kirishima

· He was literally all smiles around you no matter what, and was even more helpful than usual.

· When asked about it, he bluescreened.

· Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he did, in fact, see you as more than a friend.

Denki Kaminari

· He liked you ever since you kicked his ass during the battle trial arc, leading to him feeling nervous and quiet around you.

· His friends noticed his difference in behavior, but he made them swear to not tell you, as he had something planned.

Tenya Iida

· He simply did not understand his emotions and assumed he must be allergic to you.

· Boy is smart in all ways except emotions.

· He began avoiding you at all costs, which obviously hurt your feelings, and he decided that your feelings were more important than his fear of being around you, so he stopped avoiding you.

Fumikage Tokoyami

· Dark Shadow had to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him.

· "Dude, you wrote like thirteen angsty love poems about them!! Get a grip!!!"

Neito Monoma

· Oh, you thought everyone else was in denial?

· Monoma was the whole RIVER.

· Naturally, he threw even more insults than usual at you to compensate for how he was feeling.

· He also blamed you for it.


· He kept trying to be near you—just to mock you, of course. He had no other reason.

Toya Todoroki

· He found himself staring at you during the LOV meetings, and didn't look away even after getting caught.

· He didn't immediately recognize why his heart would squeeze whenever you were nearby, especially when you were angry.

· At least he realized it for himself, but he decided to not do anything about it, hoping the feelings would go away soon enough.

· It didn't work lol

Tomura Shigaraki

· He would get unreasonably upset whenever you weren't around. He acted like a grumpy child, and he would only stop being a whiny little bitch whenever you were talking to him.

· If someone showed any sort of disrespect to you, he wouldn't hesitate to threaten their life.

· He became a ~little~ obsessive over you and didn't realize it until he was in too deep to deny it any longer.

Kiego Takami

· He was fond of you from the start, thinking you were cute.

· His feelings grew slowly, but he realized he liked you when Mirko teased him about you.

· He immediately decided to try and court you

· No hesitation. 

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