How he holds your hand

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Izuku Midoriya

· He prefers the traditional palms-down style, or linking pinkies with you.

· He always looks away, blushing to the tips of his ears, asking if it's okay that he's doing this.

· It doesn't matter how many times you two hold hands, he will always ask you if it's okay.

Katsuki Bakugo

· At first, he was completely opposed to the idea of physical affection

· But then he realized that people would know that you were "his", in a sense, if he held hands with you.

· He likes to sling one arm over your shoulder and hold his hand out for you to take it.

· He constantly complains about your hands—they're too dry, too sweaty, too cold, too anything.

· He won't ever let go, though.

Shoto Todoroki

· Whenever you comment about having cold hands, he reaches his left hand out for you to hold.

· He quickly realizes that he loves holding your hand and tries to do it all the time.

· "I'll do my best to not crush your hand. I promise."

· "...what?"

Eijiro Kirishima

· He absolutely adores holding your hand, but he doesn't know how to ask for it like a normal person

· So what does he do? He challenges you to arm wrestles on the regular.

· All he wants is to hold your hand and look into your eyes.

· Take the hint already and hold this hopeless boy's hand.

Denki Kaminari

· He's quick to run up to you, attack you with a hug, and grab your hand.

· He loves holding your hand as you two walk together, swinging your arms a bit and talking your ear off while waving his other hand around.

Tenya Iida

· He goes completely red whenever you hold his hand, chopping the air and loudly talking about how "PDA is inappropriate for school time!!!"

· Whenever you two aren't in class, though, he feels comfortable enough to hold hands with you. He loves how it feels, even if he's bad at expressing it.

· He likes to gently run his thumb over the top of your hand.

Fumikage Tokoyami

· The first time you two held hands, it was Dark Shadow who grabbed your wrists and brought your hands together.

· Tokoyami covered his face with his free hand and apologized to you, but you assured him that you were 100% on board with it.

· He likes the waffle method, even though it flusters him to no end.

Neito Monoma

· Even though he hates your class, he's a big fan of holding your hand and showing you off while you two walk together.

· Sometimes, he'll hold your intertwined hands up high and announce to his friends, "This is my partner! Aren't they the best!?"

· He frequently kisses your knuckles.

Toya Todoroki

· You usually have to be the one to hold his hand, but once you initiate it, he'll grab on tight and not let go.

· He's severely touch starved, though he'd never admit it, so your touch is addicting to him.

· He'll usually mutter something rude about how needy you are as if that will make him seem less soft.

Tomura Shigaraki

· Speaking of touch starved...

· He refuses to touch you at all at first. He's terrified of killing the only person left that he cares about.

· You have to hold his hand, and he'll move one of his fingers away automatically.

· He doesn't know what to do with himself when you hold his hand. He forgot what being loved felt like, but you helped remind him.

· That being said, he won't let you let go until he's done.

Kiego Takami

· Hand holding doesn't exactly come naturally to him—he prefers hugging you from behind.

· He does like to kiss your hands, though.

· Whenever you initiate a hand hold, he'll immediately intertwine your fingers with his and give them a quick kiss.

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