Divorce court

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Kaye sat across from her soon to be ex husband and his new wife. She was younger and prettier than Kaye. "I want all my money for my new wife and I. It's the least you could do for making me stay stuck with you" He said snidely.  I don't know what I did to make my ex husband hates me so badly. Our marriage was never perfect but I never expected this. I tried to fix us but he avoided everything and counseling. I found out he was cheating on me through his mistress well wife text me videos and texts. I confronted and he told me he wasn't happy with me and he wanted kids and it my fault we couldn't have any. I was always doing something wrong in his eyes. He didn't care about my feelings, hobbies, days. I was a fool trying to fix this marriage it been broken I just didn't see it. I wanted to make him happy so desperately at my own expense. "Fine keep your money. I don't want anything from you". "Good you put Haley and I through hell" he said angrily and Haley smirking she enjoyed my pain. I don't why I don't even know this woman or wrong her but she enjoyed my suffering. "I didn't do anything but try to be a good wife to you" I said tearing up. "Hm you couldn't stay in shape, have kids, you never did anything for me and you harassed poor Haley." "She harassed me she sent me the messages, she stalked me I never wronged her for her to treat me like this or you! What have I done to either of you to be treated this way?!" "Lawyer tell your client to rein in her emotions" the judge said in a monotone voice. My lawyer whispered in my ears to calm down for my sake of my case. I held in my tears I don't want to give them anymore satisfaction. "Haley told me how you threaten her and tried to hurt her. I have proof" he said. "I never did it. She photoshopped it". "Enough lies for fu*k sake just leave you lost I don't want you anymore" he said in a nasty tone. "Mr Richards that enough. I made a decision" The judge said. "I will give Ms Albright a one time 20k to her account and divorce is granted" she said and banged her gavel. It was over I couldn't believe five years of my life gone. I shook my lawyer's hand told them thank you and walked out the courthouse. I saw my ex husband and new wife walk out holding hands and happier than he ever was with me and to add salt to my wounds she is pregnant with his baby. I got to my car and cried my shattered heart out I don't know how I'm going to move on.
That was almost a year ago I moved to this small city called South Park I couldn't afford to stay in Denver and he took the house. I bought a small cute trailer in a tiny home community they had out here it was cute. I decorated my room with galaxy stars, moons and planets. I always loved space and NASA. I loved aliens and astronauts. I put them in random places in my house it a game I play with myself. My kitchen was bright pastel and unicorn with kawaii kitchen equipment. My bathroom was also space themed and I had a craft and collection room decorated with Disney things. It was hard starting over it's still hard but I slowly get better but it still hurts so badly I don't think I will ever over move on. I like having my home to decorate my ex husband never let me decorate. He thought he should have the only say in the house he never let me do anything. I sit in my galaxy room wishing I could go to the stars. I work from home and get groceries delivered it been hard going outside I don't want to be seen by anyone. I want to start over in this new town.

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