Diet change

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Kyle was cooking a healthy salmon and asparagus meal for both him and Kay. He wanted her to be healthier. He was going to start her on a diet and exercise routine. He was going to slowly replace her food and habits. He thought she was beautiful but he wanted her to be active with him and healthy with him. He just hope she took to it. She loves and eat too much quick junk process food, and she prefers being in the house over getting fresh air and working out. She was coloring when he was finally done. "Dinner ready", she got up and walked slowly. He saw her reaction "I know you don't like fish but here I promise this is good and healthy for you" he said. "I don't like trying new meals" Kay said staring at the plate. "I want us to try to diet together and work out" he said. "Do you think I'm fat" Kay asked. "No I just want us healthy". "Ok I guess" "here I will help you eat it". He got a fork and knife and cut a piece of fish and held it to her mouth. Kay recoil back. "Stop being dramatic just open your mouth" he said a bit annoyed. "Mmnn" as Kay shakes her head no like a defiant kid. "Seriously open your mouth", Kay nibble it and gag "no I can't do it". Kyle decided to use his secret weapon. He grabbed her chin and looked  her eyes. "Honey daddy needs you to try this for me. I just want what best for you baby. Can you do this for me"? "Yes sir" she said bright eyed. She opened her mouth and tried a piece and swallowed it. It wasn't a favorite but she ate it for him. "Good star, if you finish this meal I will take care of you tonight". That seems to motivate Kay enough to eat her meal. It wasn't her favorite but she ate to make Kyle happy. She loved him and he had her wrapped around his finger. His green eyes always memorized her. His voice, hands and strong aura melted her every time and she did whatever he asked. Pretty sure he knew it too, and use it when necessary. Kyle was glad she finished it. "I know it wasn't your favorite but I'm so glad, you are willing to try it with me". Kay "I just have a hard time with switching food". "I know but we will work on it together" Kyle said. "I don't want to do different things". "Can you try for me" he asked. "I guess" Kay said he always hypnotized her.

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