A new start?

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Kaye and Kyle text each other all week. Kyle tell Kaye about his day which he loves, it been so long since he had someone to talk to and tell his day about. Vicki never cared she wouldn't listen and say "yeah uh huh sure" and start asking for money or gifts. Kaye tells him about her day her clients and her thoughts and ideas. She loved feeling heard. Her ex husband Richey never cared he just ignored her and tells her to go away and leave him alone if he was even home. He didn't acknowledge her job because his job paid more. Saturday came they were nervous to date each other, it the first date they had in years. Kaye wore a star galaxy joggers and matching sweater that said "shoot for the stars". Kyle wore a red collar shirt and blue jeans and red shoes. He practical he likes to dress nice but not flashy. He went to pick her up and planned a nice date for her. He picked her up and told her she looked nice. She likes his outfit. "So I got a surprise for you", he said. He walked her to the car, open the door and put her seat belt on for her. It was so sweet of him. Kaye excited as they drove 30 mins away. They pulled up to a planetarium. Kaye excited she always wanted to go. Kyle saw the spark in her face. It made him feel amazing being appreciated. "I'm so excited I love space did you know point Nemo is the furthest from civilization you can be and you are closer to astronauts" she said excitedly. "I didn't know that" he said smiling. "Sorry I know that was weird" "no I like it, it's cute". Kaye perked up her ex husband would tell her no one cares and it's not important. He never took her to places she liked barely dates. She tried to open her door and Kyle grabbed her hand "let me get that for you" he open her door for her, it felt so romantic. He got her out and ask could he hold her hand and Kaye agreed. They walked in Kyle opening the door for her. They walked in the first thing she asked to do was see the moon room. They went and you get to bounce with zero gravity like the astronauts and see all the nasa information. They touch moon rocks, and watch a movie on the moon. Next they went to the NASA room and learned all about nasa. Then the planets they look at the glow in dark. Lastly the star room, they look at the telescope in a pitch dark room and saw milky ways, stars, galaxies. They spent two hours there, and Kay had so much fun. "You had a good time?" Kyle asked. "I had an amazing time it was so fun and I like being there with you", she said. Kyle grab her cheek and kiss her. "Oh thank you" Kay said smiling but turning away. Kyle "sorry I probably shouldn't have done that". "No I love it". Kyle "I don't want you to feel pressured or uncomfortable". "I will always let you know". Kyle then took her to eat at a tea place he found. It was cute and Kaye loved eating there. Kyle paid and they drove home on the ride Kyle held Kaye hand and he was happy she was open and talking much different than dinner a few weeks ago. They got home and Kyle opened the door for her and walked her to her door. "You can come in if you want". Kyle followed her in and he closed her door. "I'm glad you had a good time" Kyle said. "I'm glad you took me" she said smiling brightly. Kyle grab her face and held it up and slowly gave her a kiss to see if she was ok. Kaye slowly returned the kiss and it was romantic and kind better than she had in her marriage. He took a breath from her and looked her in eyes and put her hair behind her ear. "I want to see all of you" he said. "I want to see all of you", she said. "Will you be my girlfriend" Kyle asked. Kaye smiled "yes". Kyle kissed her again and grabbed her closer holding her. They go to Kaye's room and finish kissing. He felt himself getting excited but he didn't want to rush her or pressure her. "Tell me if you are ever uncomfortable your feelings come first always", he said. "I'm shy about my body I don't like it", she said covering up. "You're beautiful all of you" he gave her a smile. "I'm worried I won't satisfy you", she said. "You being you satisfies me enough". Kay "will things be better I don't and can't go through the same pain again" she said. "I would never cheat or hurt you I promise on my family life" he said. "I will never hurt you in anyway I promise on the moon". They kiss and laid down in Kay bed. It was soft and warm and decorated with aliens and astronauts. "I like your ceiling" it was decorated with cotton but designed with lights to look like clouds, she put stars and other cute alien and astronaut figures in the cotton. "I work all day on it my first day here." "Why do you love space so much"? "I feel like an alien and my home is in the stars". "I want you to be at home with me" Kyle said. He slowly hugged her close, and kissed her face and neck. Kay returned his affection, Kyle kissed her deeply and held her hands. "I want you" he said seductively. "I want you too" she said rubbing his face. "I will always stay beside you" he said. They slowly kissed and undress each other. "Let me see you" Kyle asked. Kay shy but moved her arms. "Your body is beautiful", he said. "Your body is beautiful" it really was he was so fit and trimmed. Six pack abs, strong legs with calves, and bulging arms. He felt strong but sweet and gentle. He smelled like mint and sandalwood. Kyle loved how Kay felt she was warm and soft and smelled amazing like roses and strawberry. She felt amazingly soft and warm and receptive to him. He thought her body was amazing she was thicker but he loved her. They were together all night, both releasing pent up emotions. "Let out all your hurt" he told her. "You're amazing" she told him. Kyle woke up in Kay bed, with her in his arms. She was sleeping and he admired her sleeping face. He softly rubbed her cheek, she looked so peaceful and happy. "You're my moon and stars". He felt so peaceful and relaxed he hasn't felt this wholeness in years. He didn't want to leave her or her bed. She was warm and appreciative of him that all he wanted. She woke up and felt Kyle arm on her, cuddling her close. "Morning my moon " he said to her rubbing her cheek. "Good morning sir", she said. "Sir huh?" He said kissing her face "say it again" "sir". Kyle was loving that it set something off inside him. "Say it one more time" "sir". A few hours later "you're amazing" he told her catching his breath. Kay half asleep "you too" his stamina is amazing, she can't keep up. He looked at her sleeping face "my moon you shine so bright in a dark part of my life".

My moon and stars Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin