The tea?

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I met up with Lou at a coffee shop. I paid for both our drinks. "How have you been" I asked. "Alot has went down since you left". "Are you ok though" I asked. "I am ok but that bitch is the devil". I told him how Selene and their parents came to visit me and begging me to come back. "So first let me tell you I thought you were a great wife and they were fools for how they treated you and I should have spoken up for you more" "thanks that means a lot". "Well first off Haley said she was becoming an accountant and talked my aunt and uncle into investing their money into her why they believe her no idea. Well they fork over so much money to her and they end up broke. She gave the money to guy she said that was an accountant and they have very little left." He explained "omg I can't believe that". "Then she had the baby it's boy but he didn't look like Joseph or her. We don't think he the father, worse the kid has some disability and it makes him act out and attack them. They need help but having a hard time finding anyone to stay with him". "I hope the child finds help" that all I could say the child is innocent so I won't say anything against him. "Lastly she slept with Selene fiancée" my eyes shot wide because I didn't know she was engaged but her stealing him. "Yes she did and Joseph and him fought he was going to divorce her but she threatened to take his money. Selene found out because he thought Haley was going to leave Joseph for him but she didn't. She just wanted to cause drama and hurt" he explained. I was shocked because Selene and Haley were close like sisters. "Why do they keep trying to get me back" I asked. "Well our great aunt offered them money but she loves you and hates Haley and doesn't want to give money to them if she in the family and she was angry you were kicked out of the family". "Wow I didn't think anyone but you like me" I said. "She doesn't say much but she hates them she thinks they are greedy snobs she doesn't talk to them much". "Even if I went back that wouldn't fix their problems". "Don't go back they just want to use you". "I have a boyfriend and I'm happy with him" I said. "I'm glad you moved on you deserved so much better" "thank you I appreciate it". "What happened between you guys? You were close". "Haley lied on me, and said I was talking about them when I wasn't. I called her out on everything but they took her side. So I stopped talking to them" he explained. "I'm sorry that happened to you" " it's fine they're getting theirs". "I'm glad we are talking" he said. "Me too I'm always here if you want to talk".

My moon and stars Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt