Hi, I am Ashfur...

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Hello, dear readers. Meet me, the author of this book.

My name is Ashfur.

The Dark Warrior.

The Imposter.

How many names do I have?

Before we begin, let me tell you Twolegs a short story.

Once upon a time, Ashfur, me, fought a patrol of "Lights in The Mist" on my own island. One of the braver cats, Bristlefrost tried hard to drown me in my own dark water. Guess what? We both got drowned. Me, and her. The Ancients' council told me that I could get another life. 

Only if I convince a bunch of Twolegs in this What-pad thingy that I am a good cat.

Am I though?

Also... Just please... Why do you ship me with male cats, write hate comments and overall don't like me? I know I murdered a few cats, but you are Twolegs!!! I don't know what did your leaf-thingies stuck into your brain, but please!!! If you want to talk, fine, as long as I am here. Just no hate.

Now go on and read!!!


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