Chapter 3

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Yellowfeather strided through the deep snow, his paw pads feeling numb and frozen.

A group of cats followed him, clearly unhappy about the whole journey, walking in silence. Only Victimheart's chittering about the freezing cold and the winds whistling past, ruffling Yellowfeather's long fur, broke the silence.

Everything he saw were blank white landscapes, with occasional cliffs, frozen streams and rocky outcrops.

They were tirelessly walking through nothing for a few hours, and the only prey the group caught was a measly vole as well as a hare.

"Ugh, Yellowfeather, why are we even here? Let's turn back to our camp, full of prey and with our warm dens," commented Resistanceclaw receiving a supporting look from Victimheart.

"We should not give up, we have walked hours already, for StarClan's sake!" Growled Yellowfeather.

Finally, he seemed to work out traces of a cave in front of the travelers.

"Look, we could stay over there for the night!"

The other cats didn't say anything, but the look in their eyes told Yellowfeather they were good with everything.

They all clambered into the cave, finally getting to shake the frost from their pelt.

"Sleeping on rocks? Are you serious!?"

"Just stop now. What has gotten into your pelt?"

"This whole trip annoys me, mousebrain. I just wish we could turn back, and forget about this whole thing!"

"Then go, I am not restraining you. Talk to Stonestar by yourself."

The dark brown tom mumbled something under his breath, then turned away, staring into the white nowhere.

Yellowfeather and the other two cats lay down on the grassy patches, surrounded by rocks and stones. Just before Yellowfeather fell asleep, he caught a glimpse of something interesting.

A shiny crystal, gleaming with light into his eyes.

Warriors Fanfiction - Shifting Ice: Book 1: A Cold BreezeWhere stories live. Discover now