Chapter 4

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Yellowfeather ran through a sloped moor, after a fast hare. Then he heard yowls, looking back to see the his mountain home, shattering, releasing black, muddy water, slowly flowing towards him.

He then saw a shiny lake, looking just like the crystal he saw. The mud, when it touched the lake, disappeared into nowhere. 

"Wind, Water and Ice will shift, enclosing daylight in an icy halo... the darkness and the stars will lower, uncovering a new past"

Yellowfeather woke with a start, finding himself back in the rocky cave.

Immediately the creme tom turned around, searching for the shiny crystal. It lay there, emitting an icy glow.

"Good morning Yellowfeather!!!" He turned around, to see Distractionpaw jumping around behind.

"Don't scare me like that!"

Other cats began to wake up, Victimheart going hunting and Resistanceclaw resuming his grumbling.

Only then did Yellowfeather get to re-focus on the crystal, alarmed to see it had fallen in a small side tunnel, sitting in a puddle.

"Come on Yellowfeather, you really want to climb there? You can scrape your paw pads on the rocks, they're so sharp!" Resistanceclaw spat.

"What if the tunnel collapses?" Victimheart returned from hunting, now running around Yellowfeather.

"We have large Glass-Thorns and Dog-Teeth veins filled full with Fox-Gold, you didn't seem to be really interested in those!"

"Silence! It is the warriors duty to gather Fox-Gold and Dog-Teeth for the spearpoints!" Yellowfeather hissed.

"That crystal is important, at least to me. Something tells me it isn't simply a Dog-Tooth or a Glass-Thorn," he continued.

Then he noticed that the two cats' pelts were getting fainter.

That slightly unnerved him, however he refocused himself on the fallen crystal, thinking of a way to take it back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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Warriors Fanfiction - Shifting Ice: Book 1: A Cold BreezeWhere stories live. Discover now