Arc 2 chapter 6: pyrrhic victory

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'I don't care how many times I have to repeat this loop. I don't care how many times I need to break my body to exhaustion. I don't care how painful my deaths will be.'

Subaru takes a deep breath.

'I have been given a chance. And I will not toss it away. Even if I have to spend an entire week in the same situation over and over and over again.'

Subaru still breathing heavily, shakes the blood away from his sword with a single swipe, and uses the bed sheets to wipe away the residual blood.

("I knew about that custom, for a very long time, but today I looked it up. It's called Chiburi. The ritualistic swing after bloodying your katana.
In the last loop Subaru needed to use up all the bed sheets to make children-backpacks. Yes I am sticking to the name, because it's funny.
Anyways in the last timeline Subaru didn't wipe the blood, before putting his sword away. I didn't plan it to be this way, but right now: I am glad how this worked out. That act of disrespect toward the blade, was a good metaphor for Subaru's mental state. He was doing things half assed, and everything resulted in bloodshed. If he pushed himself just a bit extra, and wiped away the dirt and blood, he might've saved Rem." -author)

'this time, Rem-kohai shouldn't interfere. This task is for me alone.'

He walks back to the small dome of unaffected by magic within the big dome of Shamak. In that centre of the centre was a barrel that had a bed sheet to cower the top.

'Children should not see what is happening. Well I guess I can dispell- no. I need to pick up Cain and Dine first.'

Subaru's voice is winded:
"I'm back. And up. We go." Subaru lifts the barrel.

'with R.B.D. only I should suffer. They didn't deserve to experience this hell.'

"Meina. Are you. Feeling. Better now? I shouldn't. Have made you. Drop down. From a hill."

"I'm fine now, I know Subaru only told me so he can protect everyone."

"Yer a. Brave. Girl. Meina. Yer parents. Will be. Proud." Subaru talks endearingly

Subaru exits the shamak dome which he still keeps up:
"Boys. How are you. Holding up? Are you. Keeping. The moral. High?" Subaru's boyish commanding tone now dominates his vocal cords.

"We're doin' fine, boss!" Lucas chimes

"I hope nobody gets seriously hurt" Mild meekly adds.

"Good. Remember. Do not. Lift. The Bedsheet. You guys. Shouldn't watch. Bad stuff. Happen. It'll get. More cramped. Pretty soon. I hope... You don't mind.

" 's no prob, boss"
"I like more company, it's less scary"
"I hope Petra-chan will be with us soon, I can't be the only girl here."

"Hehe, well you'll get two boys instead."

"Ugh, why do I have to be with those guys!"

"Yo, Cain. Subaru. Has arrived. I've come to. Rescue you, children. After I. patch you up. Get in the barrel."

"Huh, wha?"

"No time. To explain. Just get in. The rest. Of the gang. Will explain. As we go."

"Nuh, you're crazy!"

"Hehehe, Subaru is weird, I reacted the same when he got me."



"Just get in the barrel, dummy. We have to make it easier for Subaru to rescue us all." Meina chuckled.

" 's not that bad, actually."

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