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'Serena-look at me, it's okay. Mommy will be okay. Deep breaths and calm yourself. Remember your happy song sweetie'

A small memory a young duo haired female remembered as she woke up in a hospital bed, she tried to remember all that had happened to her but she couldn't. It wasn't until her father had came into the room that she had been told everything. Her mother was gone, she had died protecting her. Her father looked at her rather gloomily-"I cannot have you be around your siblings, you've become bad luck to the family child. So you will be going to a family my family has worked with for centuries that lives in Japan. You will listen to the family head and come back when you've learnt all that you can to become good luck instead of bad luck. I have already gotten your passport and most of your things packed up. Once you are dismissed from this hospital you will be taken to the air port and taken onto the first plane to Japan. No you may not say goodbye to your siblings-and no you may not ever contact them ever again. Doing so will give them your bad luck."

Her father then walked off without another word, no one else came to see her for days until an elder male with dark red hair and teal eyes came into the room. "My name is Enji Todoroki, your father has placed you into my custody from here on out. I was told that today you are to be taken out of here. Once you are out of the hospital we are going to leave, all of your belongings are already within the place that I call home."

She said nothing as she looked down upset, she had no say in what happened with her so she chose to keep being mute the entire time she had been around the elder male. Once she was released from the hospital and dressed in her clothes she left out with Enji Todoroki who had taught her to speak Japanese the entire plane ride to Japan. She only spoke when spoken to, and when she was mimicking the words and sounds he was helping her out with. When they got to Japan Enji had her follow him as she kept herself quiet the entire time. As she saw where Enji lived, he introduced her to Natsuo, Fuyumi and Shoto his three children. She only bowed in respect but didn't say a word.

Natsuo said nothing back to her and went back inside as Fuyumi looked at her concerned. "Are you mute is that why you won't speak?"

She shook her head before she averted her eyes. "Can't speak japanese well." She said in Japanese

Fuyumi's eyes widen in shock. "Oh, well we can help you out with that Serena."

She nodded her head as she looked at the elder female, Enji then placed a hand on her shoulder. "From here on out you will be training side by side with my youngest son Shoto. You will also be going to the same school as him, any place he goes you will as well so you two are at par with one another." Enji said as he looked down at her

She nodded her head once more as she looked up at Enji, after then her time would be taken up learning how to read, write and speak Japanese as well as learning Shoto's quirk and how it was used. When she went to school with the young male she noticed that he would always give her a cold shoulder which upset her, but she never let it get the better of her. Instead she chose to close up her emotions and instead be twice as cold as he was. Barely anyone knew what her voice sounded like-but no one was brave enough to get close to her due to the cold look she would always give people if they even looked in her general direction.

When they graduated elementary school and went into middle school-shoto noticed that she never waited up for him anymore. She wouldn't study with him anymore and that when they would train with one another she was relentless towards him. The stoic woman wouldn't even be phased when she would burn his clothes with her quirk when they spared with one another. When they weren't sparring with one another she was in the weight room making herself stronger or studying. Which placed her not far behind him when it came to school scores.

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