Part 3: Love Blossoms In Strange Ways.

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Pyrrha ducked under a haymaker just to dodge a spinning kick to her gut, she didn't think Jaune with super powers would be much better than how he was normally but with so much endurance and incredible strength she had to keep on her toes.

They had been sparring for maybe an hour or more and unlike her Jaune was just fine and dandy, he had some sweat but not much compared to her who was drenched.

She spun slashing with her spear at his stomach but just like every time before he had dodged as if he knew it would happen an hour before it did.

"You know I'm starting to think that spider sense of yours is cheating at this point, and that's not without mentioning you stamina increase to that of a veteran huntsman or possibly even better." The red head said between huffs.

Jaune smiled at this and gave her a wink "It's thanks to you too, even with my spider sense you still beat the crap out of me in the beginning of this since I needed to get used to trusting my instincts more."

He insinuated this by pointing to his few bruises which haven't healed just yet from his newly awakened healing factor and use of his aura to heal even quicker, speaking of which he really wished Venom didn't shout it into his brain during the fight to use both to basically regenerate.

Pyrrha laughed and dropped her fighting stance "Alright then, I think we should stop here for tonight."

Jaune looked surprised at this "But I'm not even tired yet, can't we go for a bit longer?"

The redhead shook her head "Oh I would love to continue, however it's a school night Jaune. We need rest and more importantly a shower before bed."

The blonde went wide eyed and went over to his scroll, to his surprise it read 12:30 am way past their usual end time to their sparring sessions.

"Holy shit! We've been fighting for 4 hours?!" He shouted while clenching his head in his hands.

Pyrrha giggled and shock her head at her partner's antics "Yup, you did pretty well and only got hit 8 times. That's a new record for you."

The blonde stopped clenching his head and posted, he rolled his eyes playfully and responded "Yeah it's definitely better than getting my ass beat like I used to."

Pyrrha smiled and playfully punched his shoulder which he didn't sense since it wasn't meant to hurt him "I don't know, I kinda liked kicking your ass and hearing you whine about it after we're finished."

Jaune wanted to retort this but couldn't since he was to embarrassed by what she had said, so begrudgingly he dropped it and they both went to their dorm room to shower, they retired to bed not long after at around 1 am and soon were in the lands of dreams.


Our favorite blonde found himself swinging in his mind going through his style or what he called his mismatched together swings he tried to make cohesive since he hadn't gotten that much practice to do anything stylish with it just yet.

It was as he swung that the familiar voice of his internal companion spoke out, turning to his left shoulder he saw Venom in a blob of black looking at him "Yo."

Jaune smiled at his friend "Hey man, this is my dreamscape or whatever right?"

Venom nodded while picking his ear "Yup, pretty snazzy place if I do say so myself. I set it up actually for you to test out your swinging and other things, all of your practice in here will transfer over to your muscle memory so go wild."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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