Night out

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You slammed your bottle on the table as you finish another bottle of beer, Its been awhile since you've drank and luckily you were doing it with a good friend of yours. Nanami was drinking whiskey as he stared at something from a distance, You clapped your hands in front of him to get his attention. "Where are you looking at? At what? Ohh or who?" You asked, While trying to look at what he was staring at just now.

He shook his head. "Nothing." Simply avoiding the question, Your eyes laid on a bakery, A sweet looking woman was talking to a few customers by the register, You looked over to Nanami then back to the backer, Then at Nanami again and then the bake- "The more you stare the more im not willing to answer." He grinned, He seems to be drunk by now due to his slightly lively mood, Since he wasnt the brightest person to be around but that didnt stop you two from becoming close.

"Hmph. Okay then Kento-" He rolled his eyes,
"Who are you looking at?" You knew who but you wanted him to admit it-Well he was going to answer it anyway.
"It's the baker girl, She seems nice."
You nodded. "Of course, Opposites attract afterall."
"Are you saying im not nice?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Im saying you're not the nicest." You patted his shoulder to comfort him.
"Thats true. I mean its not like you're the strongest." He snickered then took a sip of his drink.
You gasped, Pretending to look very hurt by placing your hand on your chest, "Nanami Kento!! That is so mean of you to say!" You said with a very monotone voice while still making it sound dramatic.

"Just shut up already." He rolled his eyes again.
"Hah!" You giggled. He was starting to feel annoyed with you due to the fact that when you're drunk, you may or may not start to act a lot like your husband and your close friend isn't exactly fond of him, but he doesn't really hate Gojo, Just not fond of him.
"How much did you drink?" He looked over to the empty bottles and glasses you just finished drinking, It was a lot but you can handle your alcohol fine, Just not that fine.
"Its not a lot compared to how much i normally drank." You said, Your face starting to get bright red from the amount of alcohol you just drank, It was going to be impossible to convince him that you weren't drunk.

He sighed, "I'll call Gojo." Picking up his phone and began dialing the Husband's phone number.
"Why? Its not like he'll drink with me." You said.
"To pick you up, Obviously." He was planning to insult you but he was more worried about your well being than insulting you.
"We're just near Sanchome, I'll send our location just incase." He said while on the phone, As he held his phone with his shoulder while trying to grab his card to pay for the drinks.

"Nopee" You took his card away and placed your card instead, You may be drunk but you still wanted to pay since you feel responsible for getting a little too drunk tonight, You took a few sips of water to calm the alcohol down, Not wanting to be too irresponsible in this situation.
Nanami didn't seem to mind that you paid, that just meant he can continue to save up for his most desired vacation.

It didn't take the White haired long before arriving at the place, He knocked before entering the local bar and immediately went beside you as he could already see where you sat thanks to his six eyes.
You were still very conscious, however you couldn't travel by yourself or else you might throw up or end up sleeping somewhere, like the road or in a bush. When you saw your Husband you decided to keep quiet, Gojo didn't look happy nor did he look really angry, which meant you really were in big trouble, You just hope you can make up to him.

"Hey Nanami!!" He waved at the blonde, Not bothering to acknowledge you.
"I'll leave a little later. I have something to do." The blonde said, As he finished his sentence, he looked over to the bakery again, The store was about to close so he plans to wait a little longer in hopes of being left alone with the baker girl, Though he may need to sober up first, Or perhaps drink more to get more courage to actually do it, but its more disrespectful if he were to reek of alcohol when he confronts her. "Water it is." He mumbled to himself.

Gojo stayed silent and picked you up.
"Im fin-" Both of you immediately arriving at your shared house before you could even process it. Due to the sudden action, you began to feel sick, It was exactly why you couldnt go home normally cause this was going to happen, Gojo did that on purpose out of pettiness, knowing what would happen.
"Calm downn we're just near the bathroom." He snickered.

You ran to the bathroom but was trapped by his arms as they wrapped around you, Not having the intention of letting you go.
"Gojo Satoru if you dont let me go right now i will throw up on the carpet." You didnt want to waste anymore time since it could happen any moment now.
"Why? I can hold you when-"
"HURRY UP AND LET ME GOO" You didn't wanna mess up your new carpet and your patience was running low, your mouth began to water, A sign that you were going to throw up.
He blinked. Then quickly let you go, Maybe he went a bit too far.

You managed to get to the bathroom in time before all the alcohol came out of you. You gagged and threw up a few more times, It was starting to hurt, Gojo followed you into the bathroom was kneeling beside you and patting you on the back, Comforting you and saying words like
"Let it all out."  Or "Its okay honey take your time." It helped yes, but you were still thinking about wether he was really mad at you or not, You didnt want to worry about that at the moment and instead continued to focus on letting everything out, You threw up one more time before you could feel okay again, You groaned in pain, wiping your mouth with some toilet paper then throwing it in the toilet, placing the lid down, before flushing all that puke down.
Resting your back on the wall, you stared at your Husband, He was still wearing his blindfold so you couldn't tell what he was thinking about nor could you see if he was really staring back at you, He was still kneeling in front of you as he took off his blindfold for you to see his eyes, He smiled at the sight of you then kissed you on the forehead before hugging you.

"Hmm. What am i going to do with you?" He said as he chuckled.
"I dont know." You said.
"Heh. Well i have an ide-Oh-" He was going to say something else but when he looked over, you've already fallen asleep, He sighed then began laughing to himself.
"Let's rest properly now." He said, then carrying you all the way into your shared room, Placing you gently on the bed and also changing your clothes for you and made you wear a large Tshirt that was from his closet, Then placed a blanket over you before kissing you on the forehead one last time.
"I love you." He mumbled, Then started to change into his sleepwear before getting on the bed as well, Resting right next to you. He stared at you for a moment, Then smiled to himself and began to close his eyes to finally sleep. While sleeping, you slightly moved over to his side and began to hug his arm,
He smiled, pulling you over so he could hug you as well, Your face rested on his chest with his arms wrapped around you.

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