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The desolate feeling of a closed down facility. No lights, locked up, not a single sign of life to be found.

All of the ground level entrances are sealed off in such a way that it would require heavy ordinance to open, but a tactically intelligent individual would be able to find an easy way in.

The skylight over the facility's cafeteria shatters and something drops down into the dark facility. A tall humanoid fully covered, leaving no identifiable traits visible, aside from the body shape and size.

The sight inside the facility is concerning at best. Many unmoving bodies litter the ground. The individual kneels down to check one of the bodies.

"Hm... No holes, no slashes, scratches or bruising... No chemical poisoning to speak of either..." They stand, looking towards a door that leads out to the main part of the facility. "What happened here?"

While the building's exterior may be locked down entirely, the interior doors were not. There is one problem however, these doors are automatic and the building has no power

"This place must have been shut down a long time ago. But why?"

They take out a crowbar, a rather simple tool but it works for the given situation. Jamming in the flat end and pulling, bending the door's material enough to fit the hooked end, pulling the door as open as it may go.

The doorway leads out into a wide open corridor, multiple doors on either side. Two stick out in particular. A door with wall-length windows on either side, showing what appears to be a testing chamber for something, and a wooden door at the end of the hall.

Given the general standard that a wooden door would most likely be hinged with a knob mechanism, that's the way they go, the sound of their boots on the dusty tiles ringing out throughout the hall.

Opening the door, luckily as simple as expected, they come to find an office, a rather important looking one. Looking around, they could see a few filing cabinets, as well as some papers sitting on the desk, and of course, the body of whomever this office once belonged to.

Using a hand to seperate the files to look at each individually, only one seems to be of any notice.

"Hm... In the event of subject escaping, initiate a lockdown, forming an airtight seal around the entire facility. Auxiliary oxygen supplies will be utilised until reinforcements reach the facility. An Electro-Magnetic Pulse device will activate upon oxygen reserves being depleted."

They look back up at the body in front of them.

"Poor bastards, must have suffocated here, or died from whatever this subject they're referring to is."

Without more information, they could not, In good conscience, leave the facility. Lest whatever they're trying to keep in gets out. They begin searching the filing cabinets, looking for development logs, blueprints, wether mechanical or genetic, just anything that could provide some insight.

But a voice coming from the doorway makes them stop in their tracks.

"Well, well! Caught you red-handed!"

They turn to see a... Small Anthropomorphic hedgehog of some sort. They waste no time in pulling out a small weapon, pointing it at the creature.

"What the fuck? Identify yourself!" They command, but the hedgehog is having none of it.

"Heh, I don't need to tell you anything. All I'm gonna say is I can't let you recover whatever you're-"

He's cut off from the weapon firing, just barely dodging the bullet. Seeing as the time for banter was over, he curls up and spindashes right at the taller individual, who is remarkably slower, and get hit right on, being sent stumbling back against the office's window.

Wasting no time, Sonic jumps and kicks them right in the torso, sending them through the glass and out into the open terrain.

"Alright, I'll offer you a deal. You hand over what you got, and I won't knock you out" Sonic jumps out the window, landing just before the mystery person.

"Is that it?" They stand up, taking their helmet off and revealing a human male. On the younger side, pale, medium parted dark hair that slightly curls at the end with a clean shaven face. "As far as I'm concerned, I definitely can't let you leave here alive."

"Heh, alright. Just another little speed bump. Bring it on!" Sonic quickly speeds off to the side, circling the man, who manages to keep his weapon trained on Sonic, taking a few shots, but missing each one.

"Damn it- You're slippery, I'll give you that!" He then tries to lead the shots a bit further, but Sonic changes direction, making each shot miss horribly, allowing an opportunity for Sonic to get close.

He jumps up into the air, kicking the weapon out of the human's hands before landing and sweeping his legs out from under him. Sonic quickly jumps onto him before he can get back up.

"Alright, I'll be taking whatever you grabbed, then that Egghead is next on the list!"

The human coughs a bit, narrowing his eyes at Sonic. "Egghead? You... You mean that Doctor Robotnik?"

"Yeah! You know, maybe I'll let you go, and you can tell him I'm coming for him!" Sonic crosses his arms and gives a smug grin.

"What- What are you on about? I don't know where he is, I don't fucken' work for him!" The man effortlessly gets back up onto his feet, causing Sonic to fall onto the ground. "And I have reason to believe you may be some escaped project from this facility, which is why I need to make sure you don't leave!"

Sonic grunts before sitting up, shaking his head. "No, no no no no, I think we've both got eachother figured out wrong. I'm not from here, I only just got to this world recently."

He gets back up, stretching. "Sorry about this whole mess, we got off on the wrong foot." He chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his head. "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Phoenix..." The man, now known as Phoenix, replies simply. He seems to not fully trust the hedgehog, even now. But at least they're not fighting anymore.

"Well... Okay Phoenix. I don't suppose you're just gonna let me run off, are you?" Sonic sways a bit from side to side, he could have a potential need for someone like Phoenix.

"I don't know, it's not like I could stop you. You wanna leave? Go ahead." Phoenix turns and starts to walk away. Sonic quickly jogs after him.

"Would it give you piece of mind if you could keep an eye on me? Because I think... That I might need your help." Phoenix looks down at Sonic, narrowing his eyes.

"I mean, probably, but what could you possibly need my help for?" Sonic shrugs.

"Well, I've never been to this world, so I could use some help navigating if you're alright with that."

Phoenix sighs, looking down at the ground for a moment, before turning back to Sonic.

"Alright, I may be able to help you."

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