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Heavy footsteps on the metallic surface of the stairs ring out into the bridge, approaching rapidly.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Phoenix bursts into the room, running over to the window and looking out the window to see that the ship was in fact, moving.

"I-I-I don't know! I was just following this manual and I-" Sonic tries to defend himself, but Phoenix snatches the book out of his hand, quickly glancing over the page that Sonic was on.

His expression softens, and he sighs, handing the book back to Sonic.

"Sorry. I didn't think this old hunk of metal could still sail. I thought we were about to capsize." He looks over at the Geoscape. "Huh... Haven't seen this kind of technology much."

"Well I knew about holograms, but I've never seen an intractable one." He points at the spot he selected. "I just kind of picked a random spot, I didn't expect the ship to start moving."

"If this thing even makes it that far, that'll put us in Japanese waters, just south of Kyushu." Phoenix crosses his arms. "But I think we should see if we can cancel that. There's no way we'd get there."

"Uh... Phoenix?" Sonic points out the window for towards the ship's Bow. Where a strange phenomenon is occurring. As if reality itself was splitting apart, a hole appears in front of the ship, just big enough for the whole thing to fit through.

"What the hell?!" Phoenix stares at the rift, eyes wide. The carrier starts to pass through, starting to go faster as the rift pulls the ship in. "Grab onto something!"

Phoenix and Sonic both go for the centre console, providing an easy buffer so they wouldn't fly into the back wall of the ship goes too fast.

The rift comes ever closer, more and more of the ship disappearing into it, before it comes to the two of them.

And then... Silence. Only for a moment, before the carrier is spat back out on the other side. Leaving the two breathing heavily. Phoenix just laughs.

"Oh holy shit that was fucking crazy! In hindsight it wasn't, well, that bad, but Christ- That got my heart racing." Phoenix stands up, looking out the window.

"Y-Yeah... My head's spinning though. Can we... Not do that again?" Sonic shakily gets to his feet as well, clearly not taking the experience as well.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad. Besides, looks like it worked, cause that's definitely not Britain over there." Phoenix points out at the unfamiliar coast. "Should probably rest up before we make the trip over. I can imagine just getting here shook you up."

"Yeah... Just this once I think I might take it slow- Is there somewhere I can go lay down or something?" Sonic wobbles on his feet, leaning against the console for stability.

"The top floor below deck has a barracks, the beds there should be fine. Just come find me when you're feeling better, alright?"

"Yeah- I will."


Later that evening, the two make their way to the coast. By boat, of course. Sonic is still very uncomfortable with being out on the water in such a small vessel, but it's not as if there's any other choice.

With only the full moon to light their way, they land at the shore, disembarking from the boat and observing the horizon.

"If this is the southern point of Kyushu, then Kagoshima should be to the north of us. We can find it easily if we follow the coast." Phoenix seems to be pointing in such a way as if he were drawing a map with his finger.

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