Taking Orders

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After a long week at school, the final bell finally rings, signaling freedom. As everyone begins to go their separate ways, the boys discuss their plans for the evening.

Lucky: "Does anyone wanna hop on after school?"

Jack: "I think I might be able to; what do you want to play?"

Lucky: "I was thinking K9"

Rusty: "Yeah, it's double xp week"

Jack: "Oh cool, I'll get on around 4:00"

Jean-Luc: "I think I can get on as well"

Rusty: "Great, now what about you Mackenzie?"

Mackenzie: "Sorry guys, I have work tonight"

Lucky: "Do you have work, or are you just making excuses so you can hang with your girlfriend?"

Mackenzie: "C'mon Lucky, you know I wouldn't do that"

The other boys are reluctant to agree with him.

Mackenzie: "Do you not believe me?"

Mackenzie pulls out his Hungry Hound employee card, making sure the other boys see it.

Mackenzie: "I'm sorry, I just don't wanna get fired"

Lucky: "Sure, have fun at work Mackenzie"

The other teenage dogs walk off, continuing to talk about their video games, leaving Mackenzie to walk to his car.

Mackenzie *thinking: "Why don't they believe me? Are they mad at me for having a job? And what's their obsession with Bluey, or rather Lucky's obsession with Bluey? Rusty has a girlfriend, and they don't give him any grief, so why do they care so much about mine?"

All of these questions rushed through Mackenzie's mind. He knew that there were no immediate answers to his questions, as they would remain unanswered for now, as he headed for work.

After arriving at the Hungry Hound, Mackenzie realized a difference in the restaurant today; it was busy. After a relaxed shift on Monday, the border collie was now working during the busiest time during the week. He rushed inside to check in and put on his uniform, before heading into the kitchen. The dining room was mostly full, while the drive thru wrapped around the building. Mackenzie got to work taking drive-thru orders, one of the only tasks he was able to do, due to his injury.

Mackenzie: "Hello, welcome to Hungry Hound. How may I take your order?"

Customer: "Can I get a plain hamburger, but add ketchup to it, fries with no salt, and water with no ice."

Mackenzie raced to put the complicated order into the I-Pad. He realized that taking orders would be a tall task, due to the varying complexity of the orders.

After hours of hard work taking orders, the dinner hour began to slow, and the restaurant began to become less busier by the minute. As things began to slow down, Mackenzie had a chance to talk with his new friend Tyler.

Tyler: "Pretty busy day today, eh?"

Mackenzie: "Tell me about it, I thought that drive thru line would never end"

Tyler: "You'll get used to it"

Mackenzie: "How long have you been working here for?"

Tyler: "Ever since I graduated, so about a few months"

Mackenzie: "I graduate in a few months. I might work here over the summer but after that I think I'm going off to university"

Tyler: "Anyway, do you watch any rugby?"

Mackenzie: "Oh yeah, I love rugby"

Tyler: "Nice, too bad we got put out in the pool stage"

Mackenzie: "Oh well I'm actually a Kiwi"

Tyler: "Oh you're from New Zealand mate?"

Mackenzie: "Yep, but for as long as I can remember, I've lived here in Australia."

Before Tyler can respond, he is notified of a spill that he is required to clean up. There weren't many perks to having a torn acl, but not having to clean sticky soda was definitely one of them, Mackenzie thought.

After his shift, Mackenzie headed home around 10:30. He decided to see if any of his friends were still online playing, and not to his surprise, all of them were on.

Rusty: "Yo, Mackenzie"

Mackenzie: "Hey guys, just got back from work"

Lucky: "Since when did going to Bluey's become a job?"

Jack: "Sounds like someone's mad"

Jean-Luc: "Yeah Lucky, why are you so obsessed with Bluey?"

Lucky: "You should be asking that question to Mackenzie"

Mackenzie: "Moving on, what are y'all playing?"

Rusty: "Just some ranked, you can join after this match"

Mackenzie: "Cool"

Jean-Luc: "Hey did you hear about the formal at the end of the term?"

Jack: "Yeah, it'll be here sooner than we think"

Jean-Luc: "We need to start finding some dates"

This got Mackenzie thinking, and he came up with a plan. He was going to get Lucky a girlfriend.


After another short weekend, it was time to go back to school. After picking up Bluey, Mackenzie began to discuss his plan.

Mackenzie: "Bluey I need your help, I need to get Lucky a girlfriend for the formal."

Bluey: "Oh ok! But if you don't mind me asking, how does this involve me?"

Mackenzie: "Lucky's been my best mate for years, and sometimes he gets jealous. He's had a crush on Chloe for as long as I can remember, and you two are close. I just thought you could help me get them together?"

Bluey: "Sure Kenzie, but we need to come up with a good plan"

Mackenzie: "I already have some ideas"

And so, the duo began to elaborate on their plans, as they rode to school...together.

Authors Note:

1. Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this short story-progressing chapter. The reason this one is so short is because it is mostly meant just to get the plot started and be a precursor to longer chapters that are to come! Talk soon.

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