The Perfect Gift

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How could I forget...

Mackenzie felt horrible. Bluey had played off his ignorance, but he couldn't let it go. He sat in disbelief, wondering how he could forget that her birthday was on the upcoming Saturday. To make it worse, he had no idea what would make a good present.

Teacher: "Mackenzie!"

Mackenzie, who had been lost in thought, quickly snapped back into reality.

Mackenzie: "Y-yes"

Teacher: "Can you repeat what I just said?"

Mackenzie: ""

Teacher: "That's what I thought. Maybe you should try paying attention next time"

Giggles began to fill the class, as Mackenzie turned bright red.

Could this day get any worse?

Fortunately for the border collie, the day got better. A scheduled doctor's appointment wasn't great, but expected unlike the other events that had turned Mackenzie's day completely on its ear. In fact, Mackenzie had received positive news regarding his ACL and the doctor informed him that he would likely get to move into a boot soon.


The girl's lunch table was full of talk and gossip as usual, with talks of drama and the formal swirling around.

Bluey: "Hey girls, guess what happened this morning?"

The other girls eagerly await her answer

Bluey: "Mackenzie forgot it was my birthday on Saturday"

Coco: "Be so for real"

Honey: "How could he forget?"

Bluey: "I don't know, it's not like him. He has been through a lot lately though"

Chloe: "Still, how does he not remember his own girlfriend's birthday?"

Indy: "If Rusty forgot, we'd have issues"

Bluey: "Girls, I'm not gonna break up with him over a silly misunderstanding. I'm just saying that it's strange"

Honey: "Maybe you should go through his phone"

Bluey: "Why would I do that?"

Honey: "To make sure he's well...not distracted"

Bluey: "Psssh...Mackenzie would never cheat"

Indy: "Well, I saw him talking with that Clover girl the other day"

Bluey: "Ok, and?"

Indy: "And, he could be distracted because of her"

Bluey: "You guys are ridiculous"

Coco: "You're the one who asked us for advice"

Bluey: "Yeah, good advice. You guys are trying to convince me that Mackenzie is a cheater"

Coco: "It's a valid concern. He can't even remember your birthday"

Bluey: "You're blowing this completely out of proportion. I'm going to the restroom"

And with that, Bluey removed herself from the situation to avoid any more controversy. Mackenzie wasn't a bad dog, was he?


After arriving home from the doctor, Mackenzie went to his mum, seeking advice.

Mackenzie: "Hey mum, can I ask you something"

Mackenzie's Mum: "Sure, you can ask me anything Kenzie"

Mackenzie: "Bluey's birthday is on Saturday, and I want to get her a really special present. The problem is that I don't know exactly what to get her"

Mackenzie's Mum: "I'd be glad to help you. Let's go to the mall and get her something really quick"

Once they arrive at the mall, they begin to search for the perfect present.

Mackenzie's Mum: "What does Bluey like?"

Mackenzie: "A lot of things, but I was thinking of jewelry. Specifically blue jewelry."

Mackenzie's Mum: "I think we can make that work"

The two walk into a jewelry store, Paws and Pearls. It's a large, top-notch store.

Mackenzie: "Everything in here is so...expensive"

Mackenzie's Mum: "You want the gift to be special, don't you"

They walk around for what seems like ages until the duo comes across a beautiful lapis ring. The blue lapis sparkles and the gold ring pops.

Mackenzie: "I think Bluey would love this"

Mackenzie's Mum: "Well then, let's go check out"

The ring is $300. Mackenzie pays for it with his own money. It stinks to pay so much, but it means more when it's for a gift for someone as special as Bluey.

Following that stop, Mackenzie's Mum helps her son pick out some nice flowers to round out a thoughtful gift.

Mackenzie: "Thank you for helping Mum, this will be the perfect gift"


After a long night of gaming, Mackenzie wakes up groggily. He takes a nice cold shower before taking an extra long time to straighten his hair. He puts on his nicest outfit and sprays a healthy amount of cologne over his fur.

Mackenzie's Dad: "You're all dressed up. What's the occasion?"

Mackenzie: "It's Bluey's birthday, and I'd figured I should try to look nice in front of her family"

Mackenzie's Dad: "Good on you mate. Have fun and be safe"

Mackenzie proceeds to drive to Bluey's cousin's house. He's been there once, but vaguely remembers it. The large mansion is a perfect place for a party, equipped with a pool among other amenities. Just a short drive away, Mackenzie pulls into the driveway, where he is met by the tropical plants that line the exterior. Mackenzie takes a deep breath before walking into the home.


The door is opened by Socks.

Socks: "Are you Mackenzie?"

Mackenzie: "Yes, I am. Where's Bluey"

Socks: "She's on the back porch with everyone else. Come on back with me"

Mackenzie follows Socks throughout the modern luxurious house to the back, where the rest of the family is.

Bluey: "Mackenzie, you made it!"

Bluey runs up and hugs the border collie, before introducing him to the rest of the family.

Bluey: "That's my Uncle Stipe and Uncle Rad. Over here is my Aunt Trixie and Aunt Frisky. And of course my cousins Muffin and Socks.

Mackenzie: "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Mackenzie and I'm Bluey's boyfriend"

Aunt Frisky: "Oh trust us Mackenzie, we've heard all about you"

Mackenzie blushes before he is pulled aside by Muffin.

Muffin: "We've finally got a new customer for our beauty salon!"

Mackenzie: "Oh great..."

They take the border collie to their makeshift beauty salon where Bluey is currently receiving a 'beautiful' makeover.

While definitely not ideal, at least they get to suffer through Muffin's torture...together.

Author's Yap Session

This is basically part one of two. The next chapter will focus on the rest of the actual party, and soon it will be time for the formal. It'll be so surreal when this series is over, but I'm just enjoying the ride, and I hope y'all are too. Thank you all for the support.

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