~heading to dehradun

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It is getting on my nerves now. I can't stop overthinking. Anxiety is eating me out. It's 2 am and I can't sleep.

The thoughts are lurking on my mind. What challenges am I going to face there? Am I going to succeed? Will I make friends? Or will I be lonely for the whole semester or will only a novel be as my companion?

2 hours more and we reach Dehradun.Going to Dehradun for further studies was my decision. Lincoln High was my dream school as it is one of the ranked schools in its literature.Luckily, I got admission and I was starting tomorrow. I was thrilled but for a reserved and socially anxious person like me it was daunting enough.

Though being an introvert and reserved person, I have always been confident in my life(of course confidence in terms of where interaction with people isn't required).

Growing up, my comfort place was always found between the pages of novels. In the solitude of my room, characters became my friends. While others were involved in social gatherings, I found peace in the library.

Navigating social interactions felt like climbing on a cliff, each step a cautious attempt to avoid the pitfalls of awkwardness and uncertainty.

But amidst the chaos of my mind, the pen and paper became my friends, offering a voice to the thoughts that remained unspoken.

When I was a kid, I had a tough time making friends. Some people liked me because I was smart, which helped me make a few friendships. But as I got older, I started facing negativity and got called names like 'nerd' or thought of as boring.

While others reveled in classroom antics, I remained absorbed in my studies, a silent spectator. I was never interested in people's lives. I believed in minding my own business.

This thing persists still, limiting my social circle till this day. My fervent wish? I just want to be seen as a regular person, free from the labels of hate or being seen as boring. I don't want people constantly staring or questioning what makes me different. I just want to be accepted for who I am.

Crafting paragraphs and poetry became a way to navigate the complexities of my emotions. As much as I am confident, this time I am nervous. It is a new place, new city, new people. I am scared of loneliness. I can't make friends easily and my only companion at this time is a novel.


After a long two-hour journey, the travel finally gave way to the enchantment of Dehradun. The city's lively spirit slowly revealed itself, transforming the landscape before me. Looking out the window, I witnessed the scenery changing into the beauty of nature.

Throughout those two hours, my mind grappled with uncertainties, imagining various scenarios for an unsure future. But as Dehradun appeared on the horizon, a fresh wave of hope surged within me.

The city welcomed me with open arms, its lush greens and floral adornments painting a picture of peace and warmth.It looks like the flowers are greeting the visitors and filling them with positivity.

The scent of roses and marigolds spread in the air, filling me with a sense of nostalgia.Vehicles bustle here and there, their engines humming amidst the whispers of passersby. Yet, amidst this flurry of activity, Dehradun doesn't echo the pace of a bustling city.

Surprisingly, peace is there under the hurried movements-like the sky after the rain. And somehow, amidst the bustling of vehicles and people, a faint sense of calm finds its way to me.

The mountains, oh, how they call me! They look so small from the distance but how big they are! Oh i don't know! Just like that our life seems so small to people, they don't know how deep it is.

As I step into this new world, emotions I can't quite name swirl within me-excitement tinged with fear, hope veiled by uncertainty. The novel in my hands is a constant companion, a familiar friend in this new and unfamiliar place.

As I took my first steps into this new city, my heart felt a mix of nerves and excitement. The next chapters of my life at Lincoln High were about to begin. Would I find acceptance? Would I be able to stay true to myself? The answers were a mystery waiting to unfold. With uncertainty in the air, I moved forward, eager to see what adventures awaited me.


Author- Hey readers, this is your author. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I am sorry if i made any mistakes as this is my first ever book. So vote it if you like it and please give me suggestions where can I improve it.. I know this chapter is a little boring but this was necessary for introduction so please wait, it will be interesting soon!!

Word count:- 828 words

Thank you!

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