First Battle

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             "Armyn, what are you doing?!" Eren yelled when he finally made it up. "You can't just stand there. You can't hesitate!" Eren looked up at the colossal titan. He glared up at it and gripped his blades. "We can do this. We can end this now, this is our shot!" He yelled.
             Armyn snapped out of whatever trance he was in just in time to dodge the titan's arm as it swept over the wall, taking out every cannon in its wake. As he flew through the air, he looked at Eren. "Did you see that? That was purposeful!"
             He seemed just as shocked as he was. "Yeah, I saw. This thing has intelligence." They didn't have time to think about it a lot. "Go, just strike! You remember what happened, we can't let him get away!" Eren anchored his ODM grapple into the titan's arm and zipped forward. Armyn followed suit on the other side of the titan. Eren was the first to reach his neck and swing his blade, yelling from the effort. He was sure he had him, sure of it—but the titan emitted a burst of hot air. Eren could feel his ODM gear struggling to hang on. "Armyn, go now!"
             "Way ahead of you!" Armyn could barely see through the steam, but he had already had his eyes locked on the target before. He knew where it was. It was so close, and there was no way he could miss. He pulled the trigger on his gear to zip forward, moving against the steam, and when he swung his blade—the steam dissipated, and the colossal titan was nowhere to be seen. "No way... how did I miss?!" He shouted. He was just falling now, with nothing for his ODM gear to hang onto.
             "Armyn!" Eren yelled, snapping him out of it so he'd use his gear. "It's just like what happened five years ago!" He growled with frustration, now dangling from the wall and staring at the huge footprints left behind. "I don't understand, where could it have gone... it's insane!"
             "Armyn, Eren!" Connie yelled from above them. "Did you get it?! Where is it?!"
             Armyn began to climb back up the wall. "It disappeared, I missed!"
             "How the hell did you miss it? It was huge!"
             Armyn glared. "You know, it's hard to hit a target that can vanish into thin air. Do you see it walking away right now? Where the hell do you think it went, Connie?"
             Connie huffed as he helped Armyn and Eren up. "I'm sorry, it's just—this all happened so fast, and we have to keep moving before the titans get in!"
             "We know that!" Eren groaned, covering his face in his hands. He needed to calm down. "Okay... okay, we just need to—"
             "Look alive!" A voice called, and they could hear the sound of ODM gear before a Garrison landed on the wall. They all saluted. "Colossal titan response plan is in effect, you are expected to take part. Report to HQ."
             "Sir!" They said in unison.
             "We will provide any details needed, sir!" Armyn added.
             "We pray the advance team will be victorious!" Connie said before that Garrison and several more soldiers jumped down over the wall.

             Everything was a panic. They shouldn't be panicking so much—they knew what they were doing, right? They had to. Three years of training can't amount to nothing.  Armyn grabbed a couple gas cans and ran over to Eren, Armin and Mikasa, passing Marco and Percy comforting each other in the process. Armyn had no clue where Jean was but he really didn't have the time to worry about it, all he could do was hope he'd be okay.
             "Armin, calm down!" Eren put his hand on his friend's shoulder. He was struggling to work the gas canisters. "Seriously, you're shaking. What's wrong?"
             Armyn heard the gas canister and ODM gear clinking together. "Don't worry about me." Armin's voice was breaking. "Just give me a minute, I'll be okay. I'll..." he grit his teeth. "This is bad. That hole is eight meters wide, how does anyone expect to be able to fill it? There's no way to lift the boulder near the gate with the resources and time we have." He was still struggling with the gas, tears forming in his eyes. "This city... is as good as dead!"
             "Armin!" Armyn took the gas canister from him. He grabbed his hand and held it in both of his. "We're not screwed just yet. We can't think like that, we have to know we'll survive." He looked at him. "You'll survive." Armin seemed to calm down a little. "We won't let the past repeat itself. We won't let them through, we're stronger than we were before."
             Armin stared into his eyes for a while longer, finally taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm... I'm okay now." He took the gas canister back, finally managing to attach it to his ODM gear.

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