Where the Left Arm Went

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"We really need to catch up with the rest of the group!" Jean cursed, seeing titans starting to come towards them again. "Before we're swarmed, please?"
Armyn shook Eren a little. "Eren, please wake up, we have to move!"
"There's no time, carry him!" Reiner said before he, Jean and Annie jumped off the roof and flew off. Bertholdt followed.
"I'll carry him." Mikasa started to pick him up.
"No, Mikasa, if there's trouble with a titan we need you hands free." Armyn held Eren closer protectively. Armin had a feeling he just didn't want to let go of him. "I'll carry him." Mikasa stared at him for a moment before she sighed and followed the others.
"I still can't understand..." Armin stared at Eren while Armyn hoisted him onto his back. "We saw him get swallowed whole... and—he's a titan?"
"We don't have time to think about it, we have to go, now." Armyn grunted—Eren was heavier than he looked. He jerked his head for Armin to go before he jumped to follow Mikasa. Armin followed him a moment later. It wasn't super difficult to make it to the gate—a little harder with Eren, but oh well.
Apparently, word traveled fast, and Armyn blamed Jean. When they got back they were practically shoved and dragged away. "Hey, wait—what the hell?" Armyn grunted as some Garrison shoved him along.
"You have some explaining to do." They spoke to them coldly, like they did something wrong. Had they done something wrong?
They were separated from their friends and he wasn't even sure if they'd seen them before they were taken away. Surely, if this really was about Eren, they knew how much he had helped them, titan or not...

Hold on. Eren was a titan?

It hadn't really sunk in at all. It was there, in the back of his head, but the shock that Eren was even alive was enough to distract him from it. Am I a titan too? There's no way, right? Armyn put Eren down after they were put where they wanted them. They were put against the wall with a half circle of soldiers surrounding them, all holding their swords. Kitz Woermann, the captain of the Garrison, was in the middle of them all.
"Cadets Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Armyn and Eren Jaeger, what do you have to say for yourselves?!" Kitz yelled. Armin was shaking uncontrollably. Armyn reached to rub his back, but when he so much as lifted a finger he had blades pointed at him. What the fuck had he done? "Don't try anything! You have eyes on you and a cannon at the ready!" Armyn looked up. There was a cannon pointed at them, four fifteen year olds. Again, what the fuck?
"Sir, if I may ask, what is this about?" Mikasa asked, standing up. No blades were pointed at her, what the hell did they have against Armyn?
"Don't play dumb with us! Your friends there are titans!" Kitz pointed at the twins. Friends? Titans? As in, plural? Armyn laughed in disbelief. "I want an explanation!"
"Sir, Eren isn't a threat, and Armyn never once turned into a titan!" Armin said, his voice cracking. "Really, Eren saved us back th—"
"I'll kill you all." The three looked at Eren with a gasp. He was... smiling, his eyes half closed. "You will all burn in hell. I'll kill you all. You'll all die."
"Eren, what the fuck?" Armyn slapped him. He yelped and looked at him, holding his cheek.
"Hey, what was that for?" He glared. "Where... where are we?"
"Eren!" Armin gasped, grabbing his shoulder. "Are—are you alright? Can you move?" Eren stared at him, totally out of it. "Say something! Listen, you have to tell them what happened, tell them it was a mistake!"
"What are you talking about?" He looked around as the soldiers began talking about him while he was right there. "Why... why do they look so scared of us? Why are they holding their blades? Seriously, can someone fill me in?"
"You cannot be serious." Armyn looked at him. "You don't remember anything?"
He shook his head. "No, I..." he thought for a moment. "Last thing I remember was we were getting ready to go into Trost, and now we're here."
"You cadets have all committed an act of high treason!" Kitz yelled. "It is up to you whether you walk out alive or you will be executed!"
"Executed?!" Eren gasped. "He... he can't be serious!"
"I have one question for you!" He took a deep breath. "Eren Jaeger, Armyn Jaeger, what are you? Are you humans? Or titans?"
Armyn turned his head towards Eren. He looked back at him with wide eyes, before looking back at Kitz and straightening his back. "Sir, I'm not sure I'm understanding! I have no idea what's going on!"
"Don't feign ignorance with me, Jaeger! We'll fire that cannon before you can reveal your true forms!"
"What... what true forms?"
"I have multiple statements saying you were seen emerging from the neck of a titan!"
Mikasa grit her teeth, glaring. "Do those same statements happen to mention everything that titan did to protect us?"
"Mikasa, talking back like that won't help!" Armin reached his hand out to her.
"I will not hesitate to order the cannon to be fired! I refuse to waste manpower on the likes of you! I should have it fired before we lose this chance!"
"I wouldn't." Mikasa glared at him, holding her own blades now. "Or maybe I'll display my own skills on you and every last soldier that stands before me."
One soldier began to whisper to Kitz, and Eren looked around. "Can someone please explain this to me?"
Armin didn't answer him. He stood up to walk up to Mikasa. "You can't, there's too many! You can't blame them, they're just scared, you know that!"
Eren looked at Armyn. "Are we the only ones out of the loop here?"
Armyn rubbed his neck, a bead of sweat running down his face. "He's... he's right, Eren. We saw you, you were like... attached to the titan. You came out of its weak spot."
"I was hoping you'd know!" He put his hands up defensively.
"Did you turn into a titan too, then?" He didn't believe him at all.
"No... I think they think that because we're twins I must be one too." Eren laughed suddenly. "Why are you laughing?"
"Because this is ridiculous. Can you be serious? We could be killed!"
"You seriously think I'd joke right now?"
Eren stopped talking. After a second, he looked down at his arm with wide eyes. Armyn could practically see the cogs turning in his head.
"I will ask again!" Kitz yelled, interrupting Eren's very long thinking. "Are you humans, or titans?"
Eren looked around. He looked at Armin, Mikasa, and then he looked at Armyn. He stared at him for a long time, and Armyn knew what he was thinking. They'd been human their whole lives together.
"We're human!" They finally answered. There was a long moment of silence.
"I have no choice..." Kitz began to raise his arm. "Please, forgive me." Armyn's eyes widened as his arm was snapped into a vertical position.
"Get to the wall!" Mikasa yelled at Armin. "I've got the twins, go!"
"Wait, hold—" Eren gasped as Mikasa grabbed him and Armyn and started running. Before Armyn could even think he was yanked back and Eren was running towards Armin with him and Mikasa in tow. He heard a loud bang, and when Eren had them all together, Armyn saw him bite his hand. There was a flash of light that made Armyn cover his face. When he opened his eyes again, with silence surrounding them, he looked up, finding himself standing in the middle of the ribcage of a titan. Eren had transformed to save their lives.

1318 words in chapter
24149 total words


this one was also kinda short bc most of it was seeing what happened to eren yk

Under the Tree [Attack on Titan self insert]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt