Hearing the Heartbeat

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tw suicide mention right at the start as in someone telling someone that they can't commit suicide


After running a few feet, Armin suddenly grunted and jerked his arm away. "No, wait!" The three others stopped and looked at him.
"What? We don't have time for this, Armin, and you are NOT committing suicide, goddamnit!" Connie pointed at him, talking like a disappointed mother.
"No, it's not that. I have a different plan."
"Okay... what is it then?"
"Well, this is really up to you three because only you are capable of pulling this off, but I think that we may be able to use that titan to our advantage."
"Huh?" Armyn's nose scrunched. "Are you serious? How?"
"Just hear me out, okay?" Armin turned to look towards the titan. "It's only attacking other titans, right? It has absolutely no interest in us, so why don't we use that?" He looked back at them with his arms outstretched. "If we can manage to steer him towards HQ we can sic him on the other titans and give our friends a fighting chance. I know that this sounds insane, but isn't his existence insane?"
"How the fuck are we supposed to steer  that thing?" Connie looked out at the titan.
"What I'm thinking is he's fighting based on instincts. Like normal titans, I think when he's done with what he's doing now he'll go looking for more, and there's a ton near HQ." Armin explained. Armyn was happy to see him like this again. "I really think this'll work."
"THINK? Do you realize what you're asking us?" Connie flexed his hands with his fingers curled in like he was grabbing something. "You're telling us to risk it all for some new abnormal titan we found, did you hit your big ass head or something?!"
"I'm gonna be honest with you Connie, I wonder the same thing for you everyday." Armyn looked at Armin. "I trust your judgment, Armin."
Connie scoffed through his teeth. "So, we're recruiting titans now?"
"Yes, Connie, that is exactly what we're doing." Mikasa walked past him.
"Fuck. That's wonderful. Great. It is the year 850, after all! Who are we to judge, right?"
"Can you stop whining?" Armyn shoved him.
Connie sighed. After a moment, he smiled a little. "They're gonna make fun of us if we screw this up. Honestly, we'd deserve it."
Armin smiled back. "And if we don't, think about the lives we'll save."
"C'mon guys, let's do it! Hearts and souls!" Armyn raised his sword before grabbing Armin's hand and running. Mikasa followed, then Connie did too.
"I still say this is nuts, but what the hell!" He grinned.

                     With Armin hanging onto Armyn as they flew, the four swung around the abnormal, guiding him through the buildings.
"Hey, big guy! Here's one for you!" Connie yelled to get his attention as he flew past another titan. He laughed as he practically pounced on it. "Holy shit, this thing's awesome! I love this guy, can we keep him?"
"Be careful, Connie, just because we have him doesn't mean you can be reckless!" Armin yelled. Connie looked back at them. Armin couldn't see, but Armyn's face was red. Seriously red. It made Connie burst into laughter. Armin rolled his eyes. "It's not funny, Connie!" Connie didn't respond, but Armyn wanted to hit him.
"We're almost there, keep going!" Mikasa yelled.
"Shit..." Armyn looked down. He could feel his ODM gear sputtering. "I'm running out, guys!"
"Look, the titan's beat us to HQ! He's already going at it!" Connie laughed. "We'll make it. Look! Aim for Jean!"
"Aim for—what?!" Armin yelled before bracing himself. Armyn put his arms over his face to prepare for landing as his gear finally puffed out one last bit of gas. The two were sent plummeting right into a hole in the wall—Jean yelled in surprise and dodged them.
"What the hell?!" He watched Mikasa and Connie land much more gracefully. "We all thought you lot were good as dead!"
"Shit, that was close." Armyn looked down at his gas cans. "I ran out right at the last second."
"Yeah, I think I only had another puff or so!" Connie agreed, before slapping Armin on the back hard. "You're a true genius! From now on, your word is law!"
"That's what I've been saying!" Armyn nodded quickly.
Jean stood there in shock, staring at them with wide eyes. "Someone pinch me. There's no way, I gotta be dreaming."
"Oh my god, Jean, look at this!" Connie stood up and pointed outside. "We found this abnormal, right? But look at this crap! He's fighting the other titans!" He laughed, holding his stomach. "I know what you're thinking, I know! But this big, beautiful S.O.B.'s getting us out of this mess!"
"You mean we're fighting fire with fire?" A cadet asked.
Jean shook his head. "What? That's insane. Why would a titan help us?"
"He's doing it right now, just open your eyes and look!" Armyn pushed him forward and pointed as the abnormal blew some titan's head to bits. "He's our best bet. I think with him we'll really turn the tides!" Jean stared out in shock.
"Either way, what choice do we really have?" Mikasa asked as they watched the titan. "This is an opportunity I'm not willing to lose."
"Look at him!" Connie cheered as the titan threw another onto two five-meter titans. "He's completely destroying them. It's insane!"
"Does anyone else feel like his technique is kind of... human?" Armyn frowned.
"What, are you saying it's a human disguised as a titan?" Jean scoffed. "I know you're a Jaeger but you're not that dumb."
"No, I mean... don't you wonder how the hell he learned it?" Armyn put his hand over his heart. He was only noticing now, but his chest had stopped hurting.
"I don't think we have time to hypothesize." Armin watched the titan fight for a second before he turned around to go find supplies and think of a plan. Armyn listened to the titan scream before he followed him.

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