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Chapter Two 

3rd person pov 

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3rd person pov 

when she got home, there was Natasha sitting in the dark on the chair in the corner. She worried about Willow more than she thought she would. Willows 22 and Natasha knew she could handle herself, but after everything Natasha went through she couldn't imagine Willow going out for one night without getting injured. 

"where have you been?" natasha asked and willow jumped where she stood and turned to her mother. she didn't want to do this every night. 

"you know where I've been that nat don't ask me that" she said and natasha stared at her

"I thought we agreed to to not call me Natasha or Nat" she spoke and willow froze 

"OK I'm sorry I shouldn't have called you that that was stupid. mom I'm 22 year old girl. I left my planet my universe. I don't know what's happening there. I have no idea so every night I go out and I save people or I help them in someway because I can't do that. When I was in my universe, it was easy I was the good guy. I worked with the Spider-Mans. We didn't have avengers OK we had ourselves and that was good enough. I think that going out every night is gonna make me get injured or hurt or kill me but I'm an adult you have to accept that" willow ranted to her and natasha froze 

"I told you what happened when I was younger, right? The red room everything?" natasha questioned 

"I mean yeah but what does that have to do with this?" willow asked 

"I never had a childhood willow I was running around, saving people being an avenger. I didn't get to be a 22-year-old girl and I don't want you to miss out on that either. I get it that you want to save people and you don't want people to die the way your friends and family in your universe but that's not how that works here. You saving people is good and if that's what helps you at night then that's good but you need to know that I'm gonna worry about you. That's what I do." natasha said and willow stared 

"I know you can't hold onto me forever and you can't act like I'm a child forever. I'm an adult. I can drink , I can go to clubs,  I can smoke legally. I can do so many things with my life because I'm an adult and that seems crazy to you because I showed up here two months ago and you don't know how to handle that. but I do and you have to let me handle it" willow exclaimed and natasha stood up as she walked over to willow and grabbed her hand 

"I trust you, Willow I always have and I always will but you have to know that I am going to worry. That's my job. You handled it the way you handle it and I handle it the way I handle it. I want to act like you're a 17-year-old girl sneaking into my house at 12 am, coming up with a stupid excuse about how she got drunk and went to a party then that's what I'm gonna do. I wish I could've done that when I was younger and if I get the chance even treat you like that when my parents couldn't, I will." she said and then they heard the beeping on the alarm and they looked to each other. 

they looked at the tv and saw the same thing. a girl running around in a ronan outfit, natasha turned to willow and willow made eye contact with her. she knew what willow was thinking and willow knew what natasha was thinking. 

"we should call clint" willow said and natasha nodded as she called clint but he didn't answer. willow pressed the button on her wrist and the suit came back onto her. willow began to scale the ceiling and she went to the balcony. That was when Natasha turned and looked at her.

"willow where the hell are you going?" she asked and willow smiled at her 

"well, Clints not answering, and there's a random person running around and rolling mask which probably means that someone stole it and that's not Clint. He's probably trying to find the person, but if I can find the person that is what I'm gonna do seems easier and safer. Plus you're injured you've been injured so you stay here I go and handle this and then when I find the person I'll come back and tell you." she stated quickly 

"you can get hurt willow we've talked about this" natasha retorted and willow smiled with a shrug as she slipped the mask on her mask and looked natasha In the eyes one more time 

"that's what makes it fun nat I'll be back home and I'll be safe. Let me handle this I have to" she exclaimed and she slid the door down and jumped from the balcony. she recognized where the person was and she began to run to the spot she knew that if she didn't find them, that Clint wood, and that was never a good situation.

willow kept running around and she waited for a while. that's when she saw a car and the person was in it, what she didn't see was clint standing right there. she began to attack the people around the car for the person in the outfit and then she saw clint 

"what the hell are you doing here?" he asked her and she smiled with a shrug before she saw the person running off and she ran after them with clint. he pushed her against the wall and removed her mask 

"come on" clint said 

"you're hawkeye" kate said 

"and who the hell are you?" clint asked 

"kate?" willow finally spoke up 

"you know her?" 

oh shit 




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