Chapter Seven

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I pride myself on being a generally very confident person, I don't worry about a lot of things that need worrying over, for the majority the things that plague me all revolve around a generally easy to solve issue. Like talking to Hugo about the development of our relationship and the perimeters of its growth.

Except things seem to be a lot scarier than any date I have had before, not only am I ditching classes- videoe lectures that no one intends in person- but I am currently racing against the clock to get to Sophie's shared apartment in hopes of finding her before she leaves for work. It feels a lot like I might explode if I don't share these updates with her, admitting what I have kept inside for two weeks feels like a danger at this point.

Like perhaps I might scream about the change and the stress, happiness and horniness of it all to some random stranger if she doesn't share the weight of this secret too. Despite the fact that I had figured things about between Sophie and Sam long before the infamous date, doesn't mean it was easy not to tease her about it.

It doesn't feel like the kind of thing that's a secret, it's not shocking and unbelievable for anyone around us, at least it mustn't be after Rosie's confession. A part of me cares, worries that we might cause splinters but the other believes in the things Hugo tells me, about being strong enough to get through the awkwardness if sex fades back into friendship.

I've never struggled to be positive before now, and so you can imagine that I don't have any plans to start down that track now. That's why I need Sophie to metaphorically- or even physically- slap me in the face and get me out of this sticky spot I have dragged myself into.

It isn't Sophie that pulls open her front door, despite her car being out the front, her friend from 'Blue Monkey'- Elizabeth- stands before me instead. Fully dressed in bright blocks of colour that perhaps make too much sense for a childcare centre seem to shine at me when the light hits them. "Hi!"

"Morning" Elizabeth smiles, stepping back so I can wonder inside their baron apartment. "Sophie's in her room, just finished in the bathroom, bye!"

Strangely I don't think I have ever has a decent conversation with her, unsure whether she isn't much of a talkers with strangers or if the break-up she went through still stabs at her chest. I know there should have been three people living in this apartment until the partner dipped and left Sophie and Elizabeth with a manageable but bigger rent than they had bargained for.

If I thought she wouldn't punch me in the tit I would have offered some assistance, they don't need it but there's the voice that screams in my head that she's struggled enough. I would never want her to feel like our best friendship was based on this slice of pity I have for what she's gone through.

"Sophie!" I sing, brushing sweaty hands down the cotton fabric of the dress I wear. Unbothered by the peculiar change in weather that had Hugo calling me this morning and revealing that he has a far better plan now that the sun is out. "Please don't be having sex"

"Sam isn't here!" Sophie yells back with a laugh, cream walls blend the trims of the door in with the bland paint, but her room is a burst of soft colours that liven everything else up.

I grin brightly, watching as green eyes track my outfit in unabashed curiosity. "Doesn't mean you can't be having a great time alone after a warm shower"

"You'd love to see it" She teases, running the straightener down dried blonde locks, cut just below her collarbones like mine has finally grown too. The bulbs around her large white mirror shine against the glowing angles of her cheeks, black shirt and pants already on for her uniform. "Going out on another adventure Claudie?"

Adventure is one word for it, that's for sure. "A new adventure this time" I confess, "At least of a sort"

"What have you done?" Green eyes narrow, spinning in her desk chair to face me as my tense muscles sink into the soft material of her mattress and blankets. Blindly straightening the wavy strands of her hair.

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