Rags to Royalty

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The sound of clanking armor approached the room and the guest knocked on the door with a melodic rhythm. Jazlyn opened the door for him and went back to sitting on the alcove

Aldini dropped his sheath on the table and then peeled off his gloves and uniform, revealing the long white tunic underneath. He yawned as he sat down and stretched his legs. "You care if I finish this cup." He asked pointing at the tray still on the table.

"Go for it." she offered.

Aldini took a long slow sip and noticed that Jazlyn was still staring out the window and hadn't said much. "So what's up?" he asked.

"Just my mom being my mom, ya know. Oh honey, daughter this, heir that, Blessings, djinn. Yadda yadda." She mimicked her mother's voice and mimed a yapping mouth with her hand.

"Hmm yeah, feeling a bit... smothered?" he guessed.

"Yeah," she confirmed.

"Night ride?" he suggested with a massive grin.

"Yeah, you read my mind."


At midnight when the royal guards were working with a skeleton crew, Jazlyn left a bright purple beacon shining in her window. After a few minutes, Aldini strode on camelback into the courtyard. Jazlyn removed the rug on the floor, revealing a trap door under it. Inside the compartment was a steel anchor screwed into wood. She reached under her bed and grabbed a long rope attached to an iron hook. The hook hugged the anchor tightly and Jazlyn propelled down the side of the castle.

"So where to?" Aldini asked pulling Jazlyn up onto the camel.

"Let's go to Batni"

"That shithole? Why?"

"I've never been there before, I wanna see it."

"I dunno, that's a sketchy place this late at night."


Aldini sighed. "Fine just keep your head down and stay close. 

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