chapter one

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walking into the property of who he now works for made him nervous to say the least.

it was obvious that the man was amazed by his surroundings, fountains and gardens of flowers surrounding the rocky pathway to the mansion itself. the flowers ranging colors from blue to the prettiest orange.

walking along the rocky path, he soon stood infront of the mansion, two female maids already standing infront of the entrance.

one of them had blonde hair and pinkish-grey eyes, her maid outfit was like his own except that hers had a singular music note on it, along with one of her black socks having a musical note on it too.

the other one was- wait-



toko pulled at her twin braids in surprise and embarrassment. she walked up to hajime and pulled at his green tie.

"y-you better not tell anybody! anybody!" her face darkened. "or ill-"

"dont worry, as long as you dont tell anybody im here, i wont tell anybody your here." hajime pushed her off him lightly, and stuck my his hand out for a handshake. "deal?"

toko muttered something under her breath before whispering, "deal." she took hajimes hand to confirm the deal.

for a good two minutes hajime and toko were just staring at eachother with determination on eachothers face.




"uhm..?" the blonde maid had a awkward look on her face.

"apologies." toko coughed into her hand and went back to her original spot.

"anyways, noobie. go inside already." toko crossed her arms.

"...yeah. see you later." hajime sighed.

the blonde lady and toko opened the double doors, allowing hajime to walk inside the luxurious mansion.


















as hajime walked inside, the doors quickly slammed behind him. rude...

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