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Y/N's POV: "Miss Y/N...I know these past few months have been nothing but hell for you, but do you think you could possibly recall anything you remember from the kidnapping?" Agent Martinez, the 36 year old woman speaks calmly. She mentioned to me that this was her first big case. She's been following me since I had first been reported missing by police, I looked at her with an agonizing expression as the memories of the past few months began pouring back into my mind. It seemed like yesterday when this all started...
The loud booming music from the bar poured outside into the dark chilly night. My brother Micah and I pushed our way inside through the populated bar,

"The bar is overflowing with people isn't it?" Micah asked.

It was no shocker that many people would be out tonight, it was a Friday evening, plus the bar was built relatively close to a college campus. The bar was packed with college students. I figured it was due to the upcoming university holiday breaks, more students had time to party and have a good time. We pushed our way through the crowded building and found two unoccupied seats at the bar. The bartender was busy serving other patrons and making drinks as well,

"I'll be right back." Micah said disappearing towards the back of the bar where the restrooms were located.

I sat at the bar admiring the lively scenery in front of me, "hey beautiful. Are you here alone?" I turned to see a man who seemed to be in his 20's sit next to me.

"No I'm not. I'm waiting for my brother to come back." He took a sip of his beer and smiled mischievously, "why don't you ditch him and come home with me?" I took a good look at him and laughed. "Get lost." I spoke with an irritated tone, "oh come on!" He placed a hand on my knee and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You're just playing hard to get, drop the act and come home with me." I was growing increasingly frustrated. I tried to brush him off and be polite, but now he was getting on my nerves.

"Let me ask you a question" I smiled sweetly meeting his gaze. "Sure baby, you can ask me anything." He smirked leaning in close to me. "Have you ever been punched in the face by a girl?"

"Huh—" "you heard me. Have you had your nose broken by a girl?" The asshole physically withdraw away from me finally understanding the situation. "Because I don't understand why you can't take no for an answer, do you even understand the concept of no?" He opened his mouth to say something witty, but he closed his mouth.

"I hate to come off as a real bitch, but do you have any brain cells? Cause I'd hate to hit someone who's stupid." He gave me a look of disgust and slammed his empty beer bottle on the bar counter. "Bye dickhead" I mumbled underneath my breath. "Do you want to hear something funny?" I jumped startled at the voice coming from my left side.

I turned around to see another man who sat next to me. Fantastic, I thought to myself. Another asshole that's going to bother me. When I caught a glance at the man, my whole demeanor changed. He seemed like an older man who knew how to actually talk to women.

"Sure." I laughed, turning my full attention towards him "I was going to step in and help you with that dick cause I thought you needed some help, but clearly you handled that situation perfectly." The unknown person said lifting his beer up to his lips, he shook his head in amusement and took a drink of his beer. "Funny isn't it?" He turned over to me and smirked "What can I say? I'm a strong fearless woman who can take care of herself."

The stranger eyed me up and down and grinned before taking another sip of his beer, "I can see that...I like that about you. Lemme take you out for some coffee." My heart fluttered, I immediately took a liking for this man. He looked at me with a charming smile and awaited for my answer.

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