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                        Leroy was covered in bruises, cuts, and burns when he was rescued and found in the middle of the road almost dying. Fortunately, he is strong and has managed to survive despite what he has suffered. He also has broken ribs, a fracture in a leg, and a hand that looks like he has been beaten with a mallet. The skin on his face is also almost peeling off because of some burns he got. When he was treated and completely recovered, one of his hands was completely amputated due to the broken bones in each of his fingers. One of his eyes was also blinded due to the injury he got. He was tormented and got tortured. But miraculously he still managed to live. The only problem is, from then on no one could talk to him in a normal state and him being sane. It seems that his mental awareness and emotional capacity were also affected due to what he experienced. In short, the young man almost went crazy due to the incidents and he almost became delusional.

Two days, later...

"Giev are you sure about this? What if we're gonna f*ck up? Is there something wrong inside your head? Dude, I'm not a detective and I won't risk my life on that f*ck*n search and rescue you're talking about!"

"Then, what are we going to do? Just wait and relax? Bro, it's my best bud I'm talking here. You're not helping, I'm just tryin' to help and find some clue. What if..." Giever added and his voice lowered. He bowed his head and massaged his temple because of so much stress and distraction recently. It's been five days now since his friend and his classmates went missing. Till now there's no lead about their disappearance as if they vanished in just a blink of an eye. What if they're already doomed? Giever almost bit his lip to bled due to frustration. He stroked his hair aggressively.

"Just let me be, Dude. I'm sorry about what happened to them, however, I still love my life. So it's a no-no to me. Maybe, Timmy and Jackson could agree with you if you try to convince them. So good luck!" Before Giever could react, one of his friends, Angelo, immediately disconnected their video call. He snorted.

"Tss! Jerk..." He just shook his head.

In two days, he does some research and finds relevant information about his friend's case. But to no avail, there's still nothing and no news about it having said that they've found them dead or alive. He almost lost his patience and hope. Till he remembered about his Uncle's profession and skills. It's a private matter so no one knows what his Uncle's real job but only him and her mother knew about it. Who else can help resolve everything but his Uncle Robert?

"Should I talk to Uncle 'bout it? What if he won't agree to it either..." He thought.

But since yesterday, his uncle never returned to his house where Giever also stays. The next day, Giever's uncle miraculously came home early, who also happened to be off school that day. He took the opportunity to talk to him. But he didn't think his uncle could go home just to pack his clothes for his departure again. When he asked where he was going, he found out that his Uncle Robert was on a mission again so Giever hesitated to speak. But Robert seemed to have noticed the silence of his nephew for a moment as if something was bothering him that Giever couldn't tell him directly. He reached him and patted him on the shoulder. Robert gave him a chance.

"Tell me honestly what you need or what you want to ask." Robert encouraged his nephew.

"I—" Giever scratched his head for a moment and didn't know where to start.

"C'mon, you can do it. Let me know what's bothering you. I also want to apologize for not coming home for a few days. I know you're also under so much pressure because of schoolwork and kinds of stuff. Just go easy on yourself, 'kay?" Robert reminded his nephew after he apologized.

"I will, Uncle, and I understand. It's just that, I just want to ask you something important and serious. Hope you won't get mad if I ask you something that I know is confidential. But I have no one else to talk to and help me though. I thought you were the only one who would understand this because you're a detective, right?"

Robert's forehead creased. "Just straight to the point. What do you want us to talk about?"

Giever took a deep breath before gathering courage. "I told you about my best friend's case, right? I-It's about them. I-I want to help find some clues and I was eager to find them especially him. I'm sorry for the trouble, Uncle. But I could barely sleep and eat because I was worried about him. His Mom is currently being taken to the hospital because she suffered a heart attack because of what happened. Why until now there is still no news if they have been found or what." He told with a look of constipation. Robert's face crumpled slightly and was unable to answer immediately. He thinks for a moment.

"About that, you don't have to worry anymore. We'll make sure we can find your friends."

"U-Uncle, you mean..."

"It's a long story. Don't think too much about it. All you have to worry about is your studies so that your Mom can be proud of you." Robert smiled at his nephew after ruffling his hair which he often did to Giever as a sign of his assurance for him.

                      After noon, the team led by Robert known in their agency as Detective Blondé arrived at their meeting place in respective vehicles where they met his colleague who is also an Agent who happens on a mission. But since their mission had been completed, he chose to join their investigation because he knew what Blondé had been planning for a long time.

It's a matter of life and death kind of task. But because this friend of Blondé is very adventurous, he immediately agrees. But Blondé didn't expect that his friend would bring his girlfriend along. He can't help but frown.

He approached his friend and whispered in his ear. "You gonna bring her with us? You sure know that we're not going to a party, right?" He half-joked.

"I know, bud. However, she really insists." Charleston just shrugged.

"Fine! On the other hand, they're not my responsibility. So whatever happens to them is up to you now. I'm serious about this, bud." Blondé patted his friend on the shoulder and headed back to where his other companions were. He talked to them for a while and explained the plan again. Even his team members are not favorable because apart from Charleston's girlfriend, his woman also brought another female friend. But Blondé didn't pay attention to that. After reminding his team and Charleston's company they got ready to leave. They had to make a whole trip before reaching the said location where the bus boarded by the said missing students was found.

They are not sure of what awaits them so they need to prepare for it. So they don't lose the weapons they can use just in case they encounter something bad on the way.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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