Red Marlboro's and Jack Daniels

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                ( THE MERCURIAL)

I had woken up. My ears rung profusely, I opened my eyes, looking around my bedroom.

I rubbed my head due to the discomfort of the constant ringing..It then went silent. The florescent light from a buzzing light bulb illuminating my features, my vision cleared.

I groggily sat up in my bed, leaning on the edge of it, the sunlight shining into my room and waking me up completely.

"..I fucking hate Mondays." I said in an irritated tone.

I groaned in annoyance. I laid back down on my bed, my head against the headboard.

As I was busy staring up at the ceiling..something on my bedside table caught my eye.

An orange prescription bottle sat there, the bottle read all my information, Svetlana Makorova..what time to take it..and so on.

Lithobid. A bipolar medication.

I stared at it, as if it was staring right back at me. My eyes remained cloudy and expressionless as I stared into nothing now, deciding whether I should take them or not.

I swiftly and quickly grabbed them, I threw them across the room. They fell to the floor, a loud rattling sound echoed the room as it laid there motionless.

"I'm not taking that shit." I said with a monotone voice. I then stood up from my bed.

I opened my room door, looking down the dark hallway, the morning sun now lit up from a window at the end of the hallway.

I entered the kitchen, and suddenly a glass bottle flew directly beside my head. It shattered into thousands pieces, laying at my feet.


My mother-...No, Diana. Yelled at me, her voice deep and gravelly it shook the quiet home, I jolted at the sudden arrival of my mother.

"Go down to the store and get me some red Marlboro ciggs, and a case of Jack Daniels."

I stared at her for a brief moment, in utter silence. Not responding to her demands, I stared at her with a cold annoyed expression.

Diana then slammed her fist on a nearby wall, placing a firm hole into the drywall.

"Do I have to FORCE you to fucking go, MARCH YOUR ASS DOWN THERE!"

Diana leaned into me, her spit collecting on my face as she screamed, her tall and thin pale figure looming over me. I just stared blankly as she stood above me, looking down at me, in disgust.

"Don't fucking yell at me!!" I screamed back into her face, just as she did to me.

I violently shoved her out of my way.

I knew that if I hurt her first..she couldn't hurt me.

She plummeted to the ground, she clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut tightly. Then a loud thud followed her as she fell. Pure anger on her face, she glared at me before yelling curses at me.

I just fixated my sight down at her having a bitch fit, slight regret following suit.

I ignored her constant hollering, I turned my back to her, tears stung in my eyes. They threatened to spill...As if I wasn't just angry a second ago.

I slammed the front door, now angry again.

I let out a sigh of relief, I then reached my hand into my jean pocket..I had fell asleep in my clothes I had wore yesterday.

To me, there was no point in changing, I was to exhausted after dealing with the dawn of my so called, 'Mother.'

I then took out my car keys, I walked down the porch steps, I pulled out my phone. I checked the time.


As I was looking at my phone, I nearly missed a step down the stairs, I stumbled across the driveway. I snorted at my stupidity.

After a while..I approached my car, I swiftly opened the drivers side door, I slammed my car door sitting into the drivers seat.

I placed my phone into the cup holder, I sighed. I laid my head on the headrest..I got a glimpse of myself in the car mirror.

My pale white face, as white as a ghost. My black doe eyes soulless and unforgiving, heavy eye bags beneath them. Messy long black hair, it fell carelessly to my shoulders.

I stared for a while..I then sighed. Already tired of seeing my reflection, I turned my mirror into the opposite direction.

I then inserted my car keys, the engine roared in response.

I was on my way to the gas station.

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