Traffic Jam.

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                  THE MERCURIAL

Nothing is new.

She has always seen what she wanted, never the real reality.

Diana, my 'mother', had never been the same since..the accident. The suffering and melancholy aura around what I call home, is now forever.

Because of him.


I jolted my head up, looking at the green traffic signal reflecting on my face, I looked over into the lane, behind me.

A woman that looks in her forty's going on fifty's , dull grey eyes, wrinkles and eye bags, a cigar placed between her aged lips.

Her window was rolled down. She shot bullets into my face, If only looks could kill..

"Oh I-I..Err..Sorry ma'am. I wasn't paying attention."

I yelled at her so she could hear me clearly, but her stereotypical 'classy' music playing on her radio made it hard to understand me.

Damn Millennials...

Without another word, I sighed flatly and rolled my eyes, irritated. I turned a blind eye at her and sped off, not wanting to hear her obnoxious yelling.

After a while..I pulled into a parking space, taking out the keys and leaning back into my seat, I leaned my head against the headrest.

"Fucking hell..It's to early for this bullshit."

I huffed. I took a moment, closing my eyes and trying to think of a sweet release, but my brain went completely haywire.

Did he ever care..?

Even if I haven't met him, I'm sure there was a logical reason to why he left me here..with Diana.

..What a wasted opportunity.

I then sat up-right in the drivers seat, I grabbed the keys from the cup holder and shoved them into my pocket.

I looked into the car mirror for a second, looking at my pale reflection staring back into my soul..judging me.

My brain scattered into corners, My thoughts swallowed me whole.

My reflection taunted me...violent urges flooded my vision, mentally blinding me from everything.

The urge to smash my reflection into oblivion.

Shatter it completely. Feel the glass grind and dig deep, impaling and breaking skin tissue underneath the grasp of my knuckles; the warm and fuzzy sensation of blood trickling down my forearm.

Staining my pale skin a faint red, reminding me of my previous deed.

I then snapped out of my mind, trying to distract myself.

"..Fucking cigarettes and a case of Jack Daniel's."

I muttered to myself underneath my breath, I then opened the driver door and slammed it behind me.

I entered the convenience store.

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