Chapter 1

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'BANG' I hear as I come back to reality with the harsh cold breeze blowing in my face, back to the reality where my family doesn't care about me all beca-

"Get over here and actually help for once in your useless life before I kill you myself you lazy powerless loser!" Ace my twin brother yells at me from over on the roof of the bank.

Don't ask, I'd rather not be here with my family but alas this is our job as heroes to protect the city from villains. I can't help much because as you heard from Ace, I'm powerless, I wasn't born with powers and my family especially my dad and brother, my mum and sister are slightly better, my sister being the best but is still mean.

I run across the roof towards my brother who is currently taller and looks stronger than what he actually is. He likes to use his shapeshifting powers to appear more intimidating when really in my opinion he just looks hilarious.

I run from my hiding spot in a corner to my brother and help him defeat the villain whose attacking him.

'Look whose the weak one now Ace' I think to myself and laugh lightly. I would have said it out loud but i don't feel like getting a broken nose right now and my parents are in earshot.

We defeat the villain pretty quickly due to me taking all the martial arts classes I could just so I could help my family and make them proud of me. That never happened though and they probably never will be proud of me. 

"Now scram lilah or your dead, and don't go thinking that I'll let you help me all the time cause thats not happening" Ace said as he shrunk back to how he usually looks.

"Wasn't planning on helping you anyways loser, who would want to help you." I say in slight disappointment about not being able to help again but I add a joking tone to it so he doesn't notice.  "And by the way you look hideous when you make yourself taller and more muscular!" I yell over my shoulder as I run away from him, luckily he doesn't chase me. 

I run back to the safety of my bedroom and I decide to go to sleep because I deserved to have a little nap after fighting a villain with no powers and running all the way home.

So thats what I did. I fell into a deep restless sleep but at least it's better than being awake.

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