Chapter 2

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A/N- I haven't updated in ages but oh well. This'll be a long chapter so yeah.

I woke up to loud banging on my bedroom door and my mum yelling at me to get downstairs for dinner. 

"Coming" I sighed to myself as I get up out of my bed, fix my hair and cloths to look more presentable than I slowly walk towards my door.  

I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and blink a few times so I can see properly as I carefully go down the stairs to the entrance of the house then go to the dining room and sit in my seat next to my sister and start eating my pasta that was placed on the table in front of me.

"Sage sweetheart, can you pass the salt please?" our mother asked my sister with a sweet smile that's only reserved for her. 

Sage responded with the same smile and passed the salt.

Everyone finished eating their pasta and I took all of the plates and cutlery and put them in the sink and begun washing them. 

"Good to see you actually doing something around here and not being lazy as usual Delilah. that seems to be the only thing your good for, doing chores and stuff around the house, good thing we don't need you out saving the city" Sage walked up to me and said with no hesitation or guilt to be seen or heard. to be honest I'm getting used to it but it still hurts being told that by someone, especially family. 

"Thanks, really appreciate it" I said voice dripping with sarcasm trying to hide the cracking in my voice and the tears in my eyes. 

I walk away from my sister and out of the kitchen to the front entrance. 

"Good night!!!" I yelled out to my family as I approached the base of the stairs and then started walking up them and then back to my room. 

I got no responses back as usual; I'm used to this by now but its ok, at least they get a good night. 

It wasn't always like this, when I was younger my mum and dad used to come in every night to say good night as well as read me a story and my mum always sung me a song. I really miss that, back when everything was simple, when I didn't have a care in the world because I had my family and that was all I needed. Now days I have to fend for myself, I only have my one friend Elliott who I'm really glad I met. 

 As I enter my room, I close my door and run to my bed to grab a jumper that I had thrown on my bed this morning and put it on as I walk over and get some shoes and put them on. I sat on my bed and open up Elliott's contact on my phone.


         hey, you still good for 10 tonight? 


                                                                                                        Yeah I'm still good for tonight. Where are we                                                                                                              meeting?


        that's good. I was thinking the park near the school?


                                                                                                          okay. I'll meet you there at 10. See you soon. 


        ok. see you soon.

"Ok so, it's 9 o'clock now so if I get ready to leave now then by the time I get there It'll be about 10 ish" I mumbled to myself while I pace slowly around my room in thought.

I start to gather some pillows to place under my blanket on my bed to make it look like I'm asleep underneath it just in case someone walks in. I make sure everything looks natural and that I have everything I need. 

I walk towards my window and open it slowly and quietly enough for me to be able to be able to climb through. once I'm out on the side of the house and somewhat stable I close my window so it's only opened slightly so I'll be able to open it when I get back.

I very carefully climbed down to the soft grass below and listened for my family, luckily, they mustn't have heard me, so I ran away from the house towards the park. 

I stop running after I turn a corner house out of sight and just start walking.

It's about 9:20 now and I'm now about halfway there so I look around at my surroundings. The tall buildings and all the bright colorful lights everywhere.

It's been about half an hour and the park is finally in view. I go to sit on the swing while I wait for Elliott. 

 "Fancy meeting you here stranger" Elliott said as we both burst out laughing. After a few minutes we start calming down and they run over to me and hugged me as I stood up from the swing and hug them back. 

"How have you been Lillah?" El asked me as we laid down on the soft green grass.

"I've been as good as I can be I guess" I replied with while turning my head to look away from them as my eyes became watery. 

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong, what Happened?" the taller said worriedly. 

 "I-it's just my f-family" I paused choking on my sobs "T-they don't like me very m-much; they don't talk to me a-anymore and it h-hurts. It hurts so much, and I-I don't like it. After dinner tonight my s-sister told me that I'm l-lazy and the only thing I'm good for is c-cleaning and doing chores around t-the house" I continue as I was pulled into a hug and sobbed into their shoulder.

"It's ok, you'll be ok, if anyone is mean to you again then they'll pay for what they did, family or not their dead. I promise " Elliott told me as they pulled away from the hug slightly and looked down at me with a small kind reassuring smile. 

"Ok, I believe you" I said as I yawned "I'm trusting you to do just that, you know that right?" I say somewhat jokingly as I continued to yawn and rested my head back on El's shoulder and they giggled quietly. 

"Good night, have a good sleep" that was the last thing I heard before everything went dark and peaceful. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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