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I was falling into a seemingly bottomless hole with shadowy monsters that gripped at my clothes and whispered in my ears with a strange language that sounded vaguely greek, borderline parseltongue.

As I fell, I felt the cold brush of air caress my face like a lover's farewell, doomed to my fate to plummet forever in this dark space that resembled Tartarus, just like my favorite characters from the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus did.

However, unlike them, I had no one to grasp fingers with, no one to hold on tightly as my tears floated above me. I was alone, just like Nico Di Angelo was when he sank into the darkness of the hell made especially for him and this, my personal eternal damnation.

I curled up on myself, my stomach's contents sloshing about as I plummeted down, only to wake up in a cold sweat in my bed, feeling as if I was about to hurl up the ramen noodles I had sneakily microwaved at twelve last night.


On the streets of Paris, the warm glow of the sun illuminated one specific individual, making their dark skin gleam with a kind of chocolatey sheen and their ocean blue eyes to sparkle like a anime protagonist.

However, while the bystanders walking in the mellow weather stared with envious gazes, the subject of their attention was oblivious to it all.

In fact, despite the cool model-like look on their face, the unsuspecting female was actually thinking about if time freezes were a superpower, wouldn't the person controlling the time freeze actually die since if it was a time freeze, it froze everything and even the oxygen?

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