New Guy

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The soft hum of the alarm clock marked the beginning of Rose's day. With a yawn, she stretched and let the morning sunlight filter through her curtains. As she rose from her bed, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Today was not just any ordinary day; she had been chosen to give a guided tour to the new guy on campus, Minho.

Rose's morning routine was a well-choreographed dance. She slipped into her favorite pair of jeans and a comfortable sweater, her reflection in the mirror revealing a girl ready to face the challenges of the day. A quick glance at her schedule confirmed the tour with Minho later in the morning.

After a hurried breakfast, she grabbed her backpack, slung it over her shoulder, and headed out the door. The crisp autumn air greeted her as she walked through the campus, the leaves crunching beneath her shoes. The vibrant energy of the college morning enveloped her, and she couldn't help but smile at the familiar faces passing by.

Navigating through the labyrinth of buildings, she finally reached her first class. With each step, she mentally rehearsed the tour route, ensuring she could confidently lead Minho through the various campus landmarks. As she entered the classroom, the professor welcomed her with a nod, and she found her usual seat near the front.

Throughout the lecture, she couldn't shake off the anticipation of meeting Minho. She wondered about the interests he might have, the questions he could ask, and how she could make his transition into the community smoother.

The bell signaled the end of the class, and she quickly gathered her belongings, making her way to the designated meeting spot for the tour. There, she spotted Minho, standing with an air of uncertainty. With a warm smile, she approached him.

" You must be Minho! I'm Rose, your tour guide for today. Welcome to campus!" she extended a friendly handshake, and the adventure of the guided tour began, promising new connections and the discovery of shared experiences.

As Rose and Minho started the tour, they strolled across the vibrant campus, Rose started pointing out the historical buildings and sharing interesting anecdotes about the college's traditions.

Minho listened attentively, his curiosity evident in the questions he asked. "What's the story behind that statue?" he inquired, pointing to a bronze figure near the library.

With a chuckle, Rose delved into the tale, weaving a narrative that brought the statue to life. As they continued, the initial awkwardness between them melted away, replaced by a growing camaraderie.

They explored the library, the heart of academic life, where Rose shared her favorite study spots and the hidden gems of the extensive book collection. Minho revealed his passion for literature, and the conversation flowed effortlessly.

Amidst the tour, they stumbled upon the college's art gallery. Rose's eyes lit up as she spoke about the diverse exhibits and the upcoming student showcase. Intrigued, Minho expressed his love for art, and they found common ground discussing their favorite pieces.

The tour led them to the courtyard, where students gathered between classes. Rose introduced Minho to some of her friends, creating an instant sense of community. Laughter echoed as they exchanged stories, making Minho feel more at ease in his new environment.

As they reached the cafeteria, Rose couldn't resist sharing insider tips about the best places to grab a meal. Over lunch, they chatted about hobbies, dreams, and the excitement of starting a new chapter at college.

The day unfolded seamlessly, a tapestry of shared experiences and genuine connections. As the tour concluded, Rose and Minho exchanged numbers, promising to meet again. Rose couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment, knowing that she had played a part in making Minho's first day a memorable one.

As they parted ways, Rose looked forward to the potential of a new friendship and the countless adventures awaiting them in the coming college days.

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