Minho Finds Out

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Minho trailed behind Rose and Felix, the city lights reflecting in his watchful eyes. As they entered the dorm, he took a discreet seat outside, his senses attuned to their hushed conversation.

Listening intently, Minho couldn't help but catch fragments of Rose's words, "our wings" and "everything else." He leaned in, hidden in the shadows, trying to decipher the gravity of their discussion.

Felix's response echoed in the quiet night, "We need a plan, and we should be on the same page." Minho, always the observer, recognized the weight behind those words.

The dim glow of the hallway cast an aura of mystery as Minho pieced together the snippets of dialogue. Rose's voice held a sense of urgency, and Felix's nods conveyed understanding. The discarded matching hoodies served as silent witnesses to a tale unfolding behind closed doors.

As the night ticked away, Minho couldn't help but ponder the complexities that surrounded his friends' identities. Their whispered conversation, a delicate dance of secrecy, unfolded like a celestial map, revealing uncharted territories.

The wind outside rustled through the trees, accompanying Minho's contemplation. He realized that the bonds between Rose and Felix were not only forged by shared experiences but also by the challenges they faced as celestial beings. The night held its breath as Minho sat outside, silently respecting the privacy of their celestial confessions.

After absorbing the weight of Rose and Felix's revelations, Minho rose from his discreet perch, a slight smile playing on his lips. The enigma of their connection wasn't romantic; it was a tapestry woven with threads of understanding and shared challenges. He left the dorm, the quietude of the night wrapping around him like a familiar cloak.

Outside, Minho reached for his phone, dialing Felix's number with a mix of curiosity and concern. As the call connected, he ventured, "Hey, Felix, everything okay? I couldn't help but overhear some intense stuff back there."

Felix's voice, calm yet guarded, responded, "Yeah, Minho, just some personal matters we needed to discuss. Nothing to worry about."

Minho, persistent, probed further, "Personal matters? What's going on?"

Felix, ever the master of evasion, replied vaguely, "It's complicated, Minho. We're sorting things out. You know how it is."

Minho sighed, realizing he wouldn't get a straightforward answer. "Look, Felix, I'm here for you guys. If you ever need to talk or if there's anything I can do, just let me know."

Felix, appreciative yet deflective, said, "Thanks, Minho. We'll handle it. Let's catch up soon, okay?"

As the call ended, Minho couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the puzzle than met the eye. Despite Felix's assurances, a lingering curiosity lingered in Minho's mind, a puzzle piece missing from the narrative that he couldn't quite grasp.


Rose stood in the shadows, watching Felix talk to Minho on the phone. Her eyes questioned the unspoken revelation - how did Minho know about what they were talking about? She mouthed the question to Felix, who responded with a perplexed shake of his head, indicating he didn't have an answer.

As Felix hung up, the weight of their secrets lingered in the room. Rose, unable to contain her curiosity, approached him slowly, wrapping her arms around his waist. Felix, feeling her presence, reciprocated by enclosing her shoulders in a gentle embrace.

"Minho knows about our wings," Rose whispered, her voice a mixture of concern and confusion.

Felix sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't tell him anything specific. Maybe he overheard something or sensed it somehow. Either way, we need to be cautious."

Rose tightened her grip, seeking reassurance. "Do you think we can trust him?"

Felix hesitated before responding, "Minho's a good friend, but we can't risk exposing too much. We need to be careful with what we share, even with him."

They stood in the quietude of the room, celestial complexities weaving an intricate dance around them. Rose, looking up at Felix, expressed, "I just don't want anyone else getting hurt because of us."

Felix nodded, his gaze meeting hers. "We'll figure this out, Rose. Together. We just need time and a solid plan."

They held each other in that quiet moment, celestial beings navigating the delicate balance between secrecy and connection. The city outside continued its rhythmic pulse, unaware of the celestial tale unfolding within the dorm walls.

As Rose tightened her grip around Felix's waist, a palpable warmth spread between them. In the quiet of the room, their hearts seemed to synchronize, beating in unison with the celestial secrets that bound them.

Felix, feeling Rose's embrace, spoke softly, "Rose, I can't shake the feeling that our connection runs deeper than just celestial ties."

Rose, her head nestled against his shoulder, admitted in a hushed tone, "I've been feeling it too, Felix. But with everything going on, it's like we're dancing around the truth."

Felix nodded, a subtle acknowledgment of the unspoken understanding that had been growing between them. "It's complicated, Rose. We can't afford to let our feelings cloud our judgment, especially now."

Rose sighed, the complexity of their emotions echoing in the silence. "I know, Felix. But there's something here, something we can't ignore."

Their eyes met, an unspoken agreement lingering in the air. Yet, the weight of their celestial responsibilities pressed upon them, making any discussion about the budding feelings between them an uncharted territory.

Felix, gently brushing a strand of hair from Rose's face, murmured, "Let's focus on the challenges at hand. Once we navigate this, we can figure out what it all means."

Rose nodded, the unspoken promise lingering between them. They continued to hold each other, celestial beings entwined in a dance of secrecy, their hearts echoing the sentiments that dared not surface in the midst of their celestial journey.

Felix felt Rose's heartbeat against his chest, the connection between them intensifying with every passing moment. Breaking the silence, he confessed, "Rose, I care about you more than I thought possible. It's like there's a magnetic force drawing us together."

Rose looked up, her eyes reflecting a mixture of vulnerability and understanding. "I feel it too, Felix. It's like our souls recognize each other, but we're afraid to admit it."

He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, a tender acknowledgment of the emotions unspoken. "We have a lot to navigate, Rose, but I want you to know you're not alone in this."

Rose smiled, her hand finding its way to his cheek. "Thank you, Felix. It means more than you know."

As they stood intertwined, the weight of their celestial burdens momentarily lifted, Felix kissed her forehead again, a silent promise lingering in the gesture.

They reluctantly broke the embrace, turning back to the celestial book that held the answers to their questions. The room filled with the soft rustle of pages as they immersed themselves once more in the intricate tapestry of their celestial destiny. The unspoken feelings lingered, a delicate dance in the background, waiting for the right time to be explored.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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