Meeting with the boys

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Rose and Felix stood in front of the full-length mirror, their feathered wings awkwardly protruding from their backs. Panic etched across their faces as they brainstormed ways to conceal their celestial appendages in the human world.

Felix, frantically searching through his wardrobe, exclaimed, "We can't just walk around with these wings exposed! What if someone sees us?"

Rose, equally distressed, suggested, "Maybe we can fashion some sort of cloak or disguise? Something that doesn't draw attention but keeps our wings hidden."

As they experimented with different clothing options, Rose's phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call from Minho. She hastily answered, trying to keep her composure. "Hey, Minho."

"Rose, where are you guys? We're supposed to meet up at the coffee shop," Minho's voice echoed through the phone.

Felix, overhearing the conversation, couldn't contain himself. "Tell him we'll be there soon, just dealing with a little... wardrobe malfunction!"

Rose, struggling to maintain a normal conversation, replied, "Yeah, Minho, we're on our way. Just got caught up in something. We'll be there in a bit."

Minho, confused by Felix's background yelling, inquired, "What's going on? Are you guys okay?"

Felix, panicking, interjected, "Everything's fine, Minho! Just a minor issue. We'll explain when we get there. Don't worry!"

Before Minho could press further, Rose abruptly ended the call, turning to Felix with a frustrated expression. "We need to figure this out fast. Let's meet the others and work on a plan at the coffee shop."

Felix, grabbing a hoodie to conceal his wings, nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We can't keep dodging questions. We need a foolproof solution, and fast."

In their shared desperation, Rose and Felix remembered the ancient book they discovered earlier, a cryptic guide to their celestial lineage. With a newfound determination, they rifled through its pages, scanning paragraphs filled with esoteric symbols and celestial wisdom.

Felix, flipping frantically through the pages, exclaimed, "There has to be something in here about hiding wings! We can't be the first ones dealing with this issue."

Rose, her eyes scanning the arcane text, responded, "Keep looking. There must be a section on wing concealment or control."

As they delved deeper into the book's mysterious contents, Minho's voice echoed in the background, a reminder of their impending rendezvous at the coffee shop.

Felix, frustration evident in his tone, muttered, "This book is like trying to decipher a foreign language. How are we supposed to find anything useful?"

Rose, determined, continued skimming until her eyes widened with realization. "Wait, I think I found something! It mentions a technique for retracting wings and controlling when they're visible."

Excitement mixed with urgency, they both began absorbing the instructions. Felix, eyes darting across the page, exclaimed, "So, we can actually control when our wings show? This changes everything!"

Rose, nodding, replied, "It seems that way. We need to focus and practice this technique. Once we master it, we won't have to worry about accidental reveals."

As the realization of newfound control settled in, Rose and Felix exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment of the burden they carried. The ancient book provided a solution, but sharing this revelation with their friends proved to be a dilemma—they lacked the same celestial knowledge and experience.

Rose, contemplating their predicament, sighed and said, "We can't tell the others about this just yet. They won't understand, and it might put them in danger. We need to figure it out ourselves first."

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