"Good Riddance"

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AN: smut, anxiety, gross couple shit

The evening of the victory, the princess alliance sits in the dining room awaiting dinner and happily recounting stories of success. Glimmer, sitting between King Micah and Bow, raises her glass for a toast, "To a war free Etheria!"

Everyone cheers and chats with one another happily as the kitchen staff brings out rounds and rounds of delicious food. By dessert, the conversations slowed into a much calmer state. As the ice cream sundaes are passed around, Adora begins to feel anxious, though she doesn't know why.

The closer the end of dinner became, the more she felt this nervous tension build inside her. She glanced over at Catra, who hadn't spoken much since they got back to the castle, and noticed she had an expression similar to how Adora was feeling. Her ears were slightly back and her tail twitched nervously under her chair as she picked at her food taking small bites and not focusing on the conversations around her.

Though neither of them had ever really been nervous around one another, the butterflies only developed more intensely as they both became increasingly more aware of the fact that they'd be alone for the first time since they confessed to one another.

Is Catra going to sleep in my room...? Will she want to? Adora thought to herself as she realized how close they were sitting to one another.

Catra felt Adora's eyes on her but refused to acknowledge this in the presence of everyone. Despite her efforts, she couldn't conceal the light blush in her cheeks. She just focused on eating the delicious ice cream in front of her, wondering how she ever survived off of those ration bars back in the Horde. She smiled to herself remembering how she and Adora used to steal the gray kind from the kitchen. If she had ever tasted real food while in the Horde, she'd never be able to eat those flavorless blocks ever again.

Adora noticed her smile and her heart skipped a beat. How did I never notice how mesmerizing her smile is? It's so adorable... Adora stared at her lips not realizing until Bow snickered, elbowing her.

"You know you're being super obvious, right?" He said in a whisper.

Adora scoffed, "W-what?! I'm not doing anything!"

"Mmhm suuure," Bow replied mockingly, then chuckles.

"Just talk to her Adora," he smiles at her then returns to listening to Glimmer and Micah's conversation.

Adora rolled her eyes, her cheeks slightly warm from the attention to her extremely obvious gawking. Pulling her out of her embarrassment, she feels Catra's hand interlock with her own under the table. She looks at her in surprise and Catra just smiles back at her then looks away pretending like she's totally cool.

As everyone finished up their dessert and slowly began to go off to bed, Catra started thinking about sleeping in Adora's room. Would she sleep next to her? What if she didn't want to sleep with her after everything? She had never slept next to her, only at the foot of her bed. She never really cuddled with her unless she had a bad dream but even then she wouldn't let Adora see her weak for more than a few minutes before pushing her away again. Suddenly, pulling her out of her thoughts, Adora lets go of her hand and stands up holding it out to her again.

"You ready?" Adora asks, smiling softly at her.

"Uh... yeah! Sure." Catra smiles at her taking her hand as they leave the dining room together.

They walk silently down the hall until they reach Adora's bedroom. When Adora opened the door for her, Catra began to look around at the room clearly not designed by her former horde cadet teammate/best friend/lifelong crush/current girlfriend, except for the bed which was more cot like than she'd expected, but still far more luxurious than they ever had in the barracks.

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