Beach Day

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AN: Little bit of spice, little bit of fluff, lots of gross couple shit

Waking up was never fun for Catra. It meant that she'd have to be away from Adora when they were still in the horde together, or deal with people she hated (Shadow Weaver). This time it was much more enjoyable, being wrapped up in her girlfriend's arms listening to her heartbeat.

She groans obnoxiously as she stretches and unravels herself from her arms. She stares at Adora attempting to will her awake with her mind. She gently brushes her blonde hair out of her face and lays back down staring at her.

"Wake uuuup wake uuup wake uuuuuuuup," Catra says quietly and shakes her shoulder.

Adora groans and covers her head with her pillow. "Five more minutes," she mumbles groggily.

"Noooooo Adoraaaaa I'm bored," Catra pulls her arms in an attempt to get her to sit up.

"Ugh fine," Adora sits up but doesn't open her eyes and wraps her arms around Catra resting her head on her shoulder.

Catra climbed into Adora's lap, nuzzling into her neck and inhaled deeply, noticing Adora's slight vanilla-y scent mixed with her natural skin smell. She wanted to bite her, taste her skin. Not giving it another thought Catra opens her mouth and clamps down on her girlfriend's neck chewing gently.

"What are you doing...?" Adora asks her, not moving her away.

"You smell yummy and I wanted to see if you taste yummy too," Catra grins at her, "you do by the way."

Adora sighs then smiles at Catra deviously.

"What? Adora don't make that face at me no NO N-"

Adora tackles Catra on the ground and starts tickling her ferociously.

Catra screams with laughter fighting for her life to get out of Adora's reach.

Suddenly Kaweeen Gilmaah opens their door, "Good Morning sleepy heads! Are you guys ready for a fun filled adven-... ture..?"

Adora and Catra look up at her from the ground and giggle collapsing into each other.

"What are you guys doing on the ground...?"

"Oh nothing! Just dominating Catra in a tickle war," Adora declares proudly.

"Uh by sneak attacking!"

"You had it coming,"

Catra sticks out her tongue at Adora playfully and gets her side poked in retaliation.

"Okay you guys get ready I'll see you two at breakfast," Glimmer chuckles.

"Breakfast??!!" They both exclaim and look at each other with excitement.

Adora stands up and helps Catra up, making the mistake of letting her guard down and Catra gets her back, tickling her until there's tears in her eyes.


"Not until you admit I win!"


Catra giggles then collapses on top of Adora, going limp.

"Oof! Catraaa"

"What I'm not doing anything," she responds nonchalantly.

"Come on kitty, we gotta get up I'm hungry," Adora says pushing Catra oof of her.

She pulls out a muscle shirt out of a drawer and grabs some sweatpants out of another.

Catra just groans and lays back down dramatically, peeking up at her from behind the covers. Adora just walks over and scoops her up and then sets her down by her clothes so she can get dressed.

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