Damage Control

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Ever since Horde Prime was essentially booted from existence, everything on Etheria felt more magical and alive than ever. The princesses were more powerful than they had been in centuries, communities were flourishing, and animals of all kinds seemed to have awakened and rejoined the world. Of course, there were still issues, but it was mostly things that the kingdoms could take care of themselves. However, there were still parts of the world that appeared to be suffering the aftermath of the horde's destructive nature. Houses burnt to the ground, rubble and pieces of broken buildings scattered, and massive holes in the ground where bombs and spires had fallen. It was certainly a work in progress, to say the least.

Adora was sitting at the war room table with Catra on the arm of her chair, her arm around her waist to keep her stable. Mermista let Seahawk hold her hand and acted as if she wasn't enjoying it as he kissed her hand lightly and rubbed his thumb across her knuckles lovingly. Scorpia and Perfuma sat next to one another flirting and chatting with an unsuspecting Frosta listening in. Spinnerella and Netossa chatted and laughed together at whatever they were discussing. Glimmer stood with her hands on the table, focused on a 3D map of Etheria in front of her while making a few comments to Bow, whose hand rested on her lower back as he leaned on the table beside her examining the map.

Glimmer had called a Princess Alliance meeting to touch base on what needed to be done to restore Etheria to its former glory. Many areas had still been left almost entirely destroyed and, though there weren't many deaths on Etheria that resulted from Lord Prime's rampage, there were still hundreds of citizens who didn't have permanent homes and had lost most or all of their belongings.

"Alright, I call this session to order at nine fifteen am, the second of lunar cycle twelve," Glimmer announced, projecting her voice in a way that Scorpia might've called an 'impressive captain yell'.

The room quieted and the buzzing of chatter and laughter changed into a calm, focused energy. The 3D map became multicolored, instead of the reddish-pink laser-like design that had previously been displayed, and red, yellow, and green dots appeared all over the map, indicating places that were in need, places lacking stability but in fair condition, and places that were doing well.

"As you can see, Thaymor and Zaphir have been stabilized and are now in the final stage of reconstruction. Today we will be focusing on the areas more in need of our help. Many places are now stable but haven't been fully... fixed. This area..." Glimmer zoomed in to a section with many red dots and yellow dots around it in a circular pattern, "this needs to be fixed. There are far too many people currently populating the rehabilitation centers and they want to go home, even if they're safe and taken care of where they are now."

Glimmer went on to touch base with each princess about their kingdoms to check if any support was needed. When the meeting was over, the princesses were sent out in groups to the areas that needed the most support while the Best Friend Squad, Melog, and Swift Wind went to the red-coded areas to begin rebuilding and repairing.

When they reached the site, Bow set up an area where they could go over the plans of beginning to clean up the place. She-ra healed the land where she could and did some heavy lifting while Glimmer transported rubble into piles. Catra helped break down the debris and separate reusable resources from the wreckage. The area looked much better after their first day cleaning up, but they still had a ways to go.

The next day was the same, beginning with a princess alliance meeting and then reconstruction duty all day. After a few weeks, there were no longer any red-coded areas which meant citizens could now help with rebuilding their communities and the princesses wouldn't have to do it all themselves.

It was a good thing the bulk of the work was done before Catra's cycle started because she was about to go into heat and there was no way she'd have the patience to do all that work.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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