Life Is What You Make It

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Life isn't a combos of happily ever aftr in spite what some fariy tales, romance novels, and Disney movies try to tell us. The truth is life is hard. Everytime you think you are finally getting a break in life, two curve balls are thrown from two least expected directions during a thunderstorm. Its up to you to figure out if you are going to blindly swing at those balls, blindly find a new path during the storm armed with nothing but faith, or just walk down the path you know by heart and could follow blindfolded.

Most will either try to strike at the balls that are heading torwards them. Not having a clue from what direction they are come from, just knowing that they are coming. Then there is playing it safe by walking down the same path one has always walked down. Its one that is a comfort zone. Its where one does the safety net day after day to the point of one can do it in their sleep. Not a good place to be in life. Granted its a safe place to be at times but who has ever really been close to their goals by playing it safe?

Then there is a place very few people go towards. Its the place where you find a new path using only faith as your set of eyes. There are small dips and bumps in the road. There are pebbles that will trip you, even a few limbs along the way but still you walk down this path. You make the choice to to walk down the path.

Fear brews inside you as you have step out of your comfort zone but you as a person still take that chance all the same. Your heart will get broken. You will see more disappointment than a person should in a lifetime.

So why choose that path? You recieve the rewards in the faces of your children. It could be in the face of the man you love. It could be in the education that you worked for. You earn those little rewards within life and then your life becomes what you make it.

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