If She Could See Me Now!

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When I was in fifth grade a classmate (let's call her Tonya) and I decided to write a novel. She would write one chapter and then I would write a chapter. The plan was we would edit each other's chapter. We would even talk over the chapters that the other had written.

We thought it was a great idea. We were doing the teamwork thing that we had been taught to do in our class. Plus we thought we had an ingenius idea. Mind you we figured I was the writer out of the two off us. Tonya was more of the storyteller when it came to crowds but I later realized she had a writer buried deep within her.

So we wrote a novel. It was pretty good. We both had visions of big paydays in our futures. Granted it was the wrong reasons to become a writer but we were young and sometimes kids do have out there goals sometimes.

We past it around to our friends to get feedback. One classmate got it taken away for reading it in class. At first Tonya and I was mad. We felt as if all of ot hard work had went down the drain. Then we realized that this might be a good thing. The teacher who took it was an english teacher and could give us the feedback we needed.

Mrs. Morgan gave us feedback all right. She told us we should never write a novel again. Her main reason for this? She said it was because we didn't put up qoutations when someone was talking. I didnh't write again for two years and Tonya never wrote anything again.

Over the years whenever I write a short story, novelette, or poety I could still hear her voice telling us not to be writers. Granted I am not rolling in dough but I gain a pleasure as I write each piece. So to Mrs Morgan from 5th grade.....if only you could see me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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