Thank You All

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I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who are reading my humble thoughts that I put out here as much as I can. For those who do not know I am back in school. I am working towards finishing up my assocates degree in Market Management and once I roll across the stage for that degree I plan on also getting an assocates degree in Criminal Justice. Outside my passion for writing and photography (still working on getting a little more control over both hands before I actively work on my photography skills again. I am a work in progress but who isn't) I am very passionate about both Marketing and Criminal Justice. I am not going to let some little thing like a car wreck get off the path I was on to start with.

The point is that summer semester is the shortest one at our school. That means I have/will be putting even more energy in my studies. Plus we have a major heat advisory for the area I live in. So after school I have been taking a nap when I get home in order to reboost my energy. Especially on the days where the night before I can't seem to sleep. It seems since the wreck I have had an issue sleeping at times.

This means I will not be writing in here as much (Maybe once or twice a week). The point is that even though I might not answer comments much I do see them, find them interesting, and grateful for them. These comments help me see things from a different point of view as well as let me know that I am not writing in vain.

My posts my seem a little different from what I normally write too. I am taking both Entrepreneur and Psychology this semester. You might find that I might end up writing a few posts about what I learn. I am not trying to be a show off its just I have learned if you do not use it, you lose it. With that said if you realize I am talking about either class or about my two favorvite shows (Shark Tank and The Profit) I swear I am not going crazy. I am just talking about what I learned at school.

Back to what I as talking about I am grateful for everyone who supports me on this site. I am going to do my best to keep all three books going. I am actually working on Chapter Two on the Kids Nobody Wanted and have been for a few days now (I write the chapters out in one of my files on my tablet and after editing and then I pull it together on here).

I also want to let everyone know that I am open to constructive suggestions. I love to write. First for myelf (As I am writing the story) and then for the public. If others can see where I can improve I am going to do by best to improve my work. One thing I have learned in life at the tender age of 41 is that no one is perfect. I am not going to lash out in anger because you as my reading public desires to see me write in a different style. If that is the case I will do my best as well as being true to both myself and my creation. I like to think I am pretty easy going.

Do not worry. Even though I am slowing down posting does not mean I am not writing online. The best think a profesional can do is practice, practice, practice. Something I do every day because let's face it my writing is my down time as well as my escape from reality. Even if it is only twenty minutes a day I write al the time.

So as I close so I can crash for the night I want to thank you who read. You are awesome. It reminds me that there are people out ther listening and that is the greatest feeling of all. Thank you and have a wonderful week,

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