The one who fell in love

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“Can you believe this? We have just started our collage days, but the finals are already here?”

Jimin asked his best friend as they made their way outside the college after the classes. Jin shook his head negatively.

“But I am happy that the studies are going to end soon.”

"Yaah, we still have two years. How am I going to finish these years with my lazy ass?”

“Don’t worry, chim, think in this way; we are going to be a full adult after this, a mature one, a self-dependent one."

"Oh, I know where you are going.” Jimin said it with a naughty smile.

“What? What do you know?”

“Nothing may be someone can improve their one-sided love to two-sided.”

This made Jin blush suddenly, and he looked away from his best friend to only see Jungkook standing outside his college with his bike.

“What is he doing here?” Jin asked suddenly.

“Who?” Jimin asked and looked at where Jin was looking.

Jungkook walked to where the Jinmin buddy was and stopped in front of Jin.

“Come with me.” Jungkook spoke softly and held Jin's hand.

"Huh, did my words become true?” Jimin slowly whispered to Jin.

But Jin was in pure shock to say anything. Without waiting for Jin's response, Jungkook pulled him with him. Jimin stood there, speechless.


Jungkook stopped in front of a hospital, which confused Jin. But he silently followed Jungkook.
Jungkook then stopped in front of a particular patient room and opened it for Jin. What Jin didn’t expect was to see his brother inside with a cast hand and a bandage on his head.

“Hyung?” It came as a question, and he ran towards the bed.

“What happened? How did you end up like this?” Jin asked worriedly.

“I told you not to inform him.” Namjoon scolded Jungkook, who took a seat near them.

“Why are you scolding Kookie Hyung, and why are you not answering my question?”

“It’s a small accident, Aegi. You don't need to worry much.”

“A small accident with a cast hand? You are unbelievable. How many times have I told you to be careful when you drive? What will happen if something bigger than this happens? I only have my hyung.” Jin became emotional suddenly, and his tears rolled down his cheeks.

"That's why the accident ended up with a small injury; I know my aegi will be waiting for me in the house.” NJ slowly wiped away the tears and smiled.


“Kookie hyung,”

Jin called Jungkook, who was walking towards the exit. Jungkook turned to look at a cute Jin, who was running towards him.

"You, you forgot your phone.” Jin said, panting.

“Oh, thanks, Jinnie.” Jungkook said, put his phone on his pack, and looked at Jin with a smile.

But Jin, who always shows him his adorable smile, was showing a blank face to Jungkook.

“Are you ok?” Jungkook asked, coming closer. But Jin is still looking at him with the same expression.

"Jin,” Jungkook called in a little louder tone, which halted Jin from all his thoughts.


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