Life goes on

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As life went on with the plan it had, Jin became a better student and graduated with an excellent grade. He got selected for the college placement, which was conducted by one of the IT companies there, and joined as a trainee. After successfully completing all the training, he was soon appointed as an official employee of the company.

The great news reached Namjoon as a celebration, and to make it more joyful, he bought an apartment for Jin there. Even Jin was offended by that idea, but Namjoon was adamant about buying it for his aegi. It’s a one-bedroom apartment sufficient to accommodate two people.

Jin was walking back from his company to his apartment, and he was very happy today. Because his boss praised him for his performance in the first month of joining. Not only his boss but also his other colleges complimented him for his performance.

It was already sunset time, and he was enjoying the beautiful orangish sky on his walk. But suddenly, he feels like someone is following him. He ignored that feeling first, but when he walked more, his feelings got more suspicious. He didn’t turn back, and he walked faster. He thought the person would stop following him if he moved faster, but his calculation was wrong. He felt like the person was coming closer and closer to him, despite how fast he walked. And when the person put his hand on Jin's shoulder, Jin instantly held that hand, twisted it, and gave a punch to his stomach. The person fell to the ground because of the sudden pain and groaned. He was wearing all black, a cap, and a black mask covering his face, only leaving his eyes.

Jin was thankful that his hyung requested to study teakwudo in his free time to defend himself in this kind of situation, and he felt proud that he had successfully saved himself. He smirked, seeing the person curling in pain on the ground, and then started to walk from there, But


That person cried, which caused Jin to stop walking suddenly. He turned around and looked at the person again, hearing a familiar voice.

“Yaah, when did you become this stronger?” The man asked in pain. Jin's eyes went wide after hearing that.

“Jimin.” Jin called in shock and quickly helped him stand up.

“Aahh! It hurts.” Jimin said, holding his stomach.

“Why did you come like a stalker?"

“I just want to surprise my best friend."

"At least you should have called me instead of following like a creep wearing this mask and cap, idiot."

“I didn’t expect you to behave like this, Jinnie.”

Jimin cried dramatically, making Jin more mad. But he is happy that his best friend is finally here with him.


Jimin paced around, making Jin sigh for the nth time that day. Jimin was really nervous to attend the first ever interview in his life. Jin asked him to apply for the vacancy in his company.

Jimin was so happy that his best friend was so considerate of him that he even planned their carier together. But the moment he entered the big company, all his confidence was gone. All the preparations he made and all the things he memorized began to betray him. They were now waiting for the call from the HR room. Jin looked at his best friend, who was now mumbling something to himself because of the anxiety he was feeling.

"What are you doing?” Jin asked.
Jimin stopped pacing around and looked at Jin.

“I am memorizing everything. I think I am going to gibberish when they begin the interview.”

“Just relax and say what your heart is feeling. That’s all needed to attend an interview.”

Jin tries to calm Jimin, but Jimin is becoming more nervous every time.



“What question did they ask you when you attended the interview?”

“Jimin, it doesn’t work like that. Whatever question they ask, just answer it confidently and wholeheartedly. It's okay if you find it difficult to answer. But stay true and tell them what you are capable of. I'm sure that they can understand if you show your interest in working."

Jin said this and gave a hug to Jimin. And not so late, the staff called Jimin to attend the interview.

“Hwaiting.” Jin encouraged Jimin, and Jimin entered the room after taking a deep breath.

And after some minutes, Jimin came out with a not-so-happy face. Jin, who had been waiting for him, quickly went to him.

“How did it go?”

“I don’t know. I tried my best, but..."


“They told me to wait.” Jimin said he was not content with the information.

“Oh, it's also great. We will wait for good news.” Jin tries to boost Jimin's mood.

But Jimin only silently looked at Jin.

“And for now, let me treat you.”

“What is there to give me a treat?"

“Shut up and come with me."


It's been weak, and they haven't gotten any news about the interviews yet. But Jin doesn’t let Jimin feel down. He took him to movies, and they hang around whenever Jin gets time after his work. He doesn’t make Jimin feel alone.

“Did you think they would end up together?”

Jimin asked Jin, munching on the popcorn while watching a movie on the laptop.

“I don’t know.” Jin said this without taking his eyes off the movie.

“I want them to end up together so badly. If not, I am not going to watch this movie again ever,” Jimin whined when the movie was almost going to end and the leads weren’t together yet.

“Some stories are incomplete but beautiful, Jimin. The problem is that it's just the right person at the wrong time."

Jimin slowly turned to look at his friend, whose eyes were still on the movie. He knows how much Jin means the words. He can still feel the pain in Jin’s words. He wants his friend to move on and settle down with someone who will take care of his heart with tenderness.

After the movie ended, they began to prepare their beds, but they suddenly heard some noise outside.

“Look at him making noises at this hour and always complaining that we are the loudest ones." Jimin scolded, complaining about their neighbor.

When they opened their door and peaked outside silently, they could hear the man who was living in their neighborhood arguing with another person.

“This is so unfair.
How can you kick me out because you have someone who will pay you more?”

“I haven’t told you to stay here forever. In fact, you are the only one who lives to rent here while others buy the apartments. I agreed to stay you here with mercy; when I get someone who is willing to buy this apartment, you are not even trying to pay me back."

And when the argument got heated, Jinmin decided to leave it to themselves.


The next morning, Jin got up earlier because of the noise coming from the next door. He understood that the new owner started to shift their things. He looked at Jimin, who was still sleeping like a pig in this noise. After finishing his morning routines, Jin began to prepare breakfast. He frowned When they're out of milk. So he decided to go to the store because there are also some kitchen things that have been finished.

On the way back to his apartment from the store, he saw men carrying furniture and household items. He gave way for them and walked behind them. He can see them entering the next-door apartment when he reaches his own. He took the key from his pocket and was opening the door when he heard a familiar voice. He forgot to breathe when he realized the voice. He turned to the side only to see the owner of the voice coming outside the nearby apartment speaking with someone. He felt like he was dreaming, and he stood there speechless with big eyes.

The man sent the other person he was speaking with inside and turned in Jin's direction. He had a pleasant smile when he saw Jin in front of him. With the same smile, he walked to Jin and stood in front of him.

“Hai, Jin.” The man said, looking into Jin's eyes.

Jin tries to speak, but the words are not coming. He was outstruck, feeling so many emotions simultaneously, and didn’t know how to react to the sudden encounter.

“K-Kookie hyung.”

Jin finally said the name, making Jungkook smile even wider.

All these days, he thought his feelings were slowly declining. But no, it's really growing within him. The person whom he never thought he would see again was now standing in front of him with the same bunny smile and those doe eyes, which always tell for looking more handsome with long hair.

He thought he was entering into new chapters of his life, but what he didn’t know was that eighteen was just the trailer and twenty-one was the main script of his life.

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