The Trouble

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“You never told me that Hyung calls you often.” Jin said as they exited the company, making Jimin a little nervous.

“That’s because he calls me whenever he can't get you on the phone.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to keep it a secret from me. Tell me you didn’t spill the tea.” Jin gave a sharp look to his best friend.

“Yaah, you… you don’t trust me?”

“Then why haven't you told me about Hyung's calls?"

“I thought you knew about it."

“How do I know when you two keep it a secret?"

At this point, Jimin was sure he was going to be caught off guard, but suddenly Jin got a message. He took his phone after glaring at Jimin for a sec. Jin's face instantly lit up after reading the message. He began to type a reply. Jimin was relieved to see Jin didn’t continue the topic. As they moved forward, with Jin still typing on his phone, Jin suddenly stopped and lifted his head. His smile went wide when he saw someone at the entrance. He quickly ran there, leaving Jimin in confusion.

“Since when did you become the watchman?” Jin asked.

“Since I fell for you.” Jungkook said that and pulled Jin along with him.

As they began to walk, Jungkook noticed Jin's outfit more.

“Why are you wearing shorts in your workplace?"

"Someone is jelly.” Jimin said as he was walking past them before Jin could reply.

“We are free to wear anything in the company. You will not believe what my colleagues wear there."

"Is it an American company?"
Jungkook asked in a slightly mad tone, but Jin smiled more, enjoying the jealousy he was smelling around them.


The Jinkook couple was walking behind Jimin. Jimin quickly got the door unlocked and got inside, taking his phone. When they reached in front of Jin’s door, Jin didn’t stop; he made Jungkook walk with him forward, and they stopped in front of Jungkook’s door.

“Since you are the one who walks with me every time to my door, I thought today I would walk with you to your door and go back after ensuring that you have safely gotten inside.”

Jin's unexpected statement put a smile on Jungkook’s face. He pulled Jin closer by their interviened hands.

“Thank you." Jungkook said, looking into those adorable eyes.

They smiled, looking at each other. Then Jin quickly moved a little bit closer and gave a quick peck on Jungkook’s lips, causing Jungkook a quick shock.

“Good night, Kookie Hyung."

Jin said and moved away to turn back, only to be pulled back by Jungkook, which startled him.

Before he could respond, Jungkook captured his lips and pulled him closer so that there was no space for air between them. Once Jin came out of the sudden shock, he began to respond the kiss. He tried hard to control his moan when Jungkook began to aggressively suck his lips. If anyone asked what he was feeling right now, he would say that he was seeing seven rainbows at a time. Being kissed by Jungkook and sharing the kiss with him still makes him feel giddy and gives him goosebumps a hundred times over his body. When they felt it was hard to breathe, they both pulled away and panted. They looked into each other silently until.

“Jin” Jungkook softly called.

“mm?” Jin regretted asking like that because he doubted if it came as a question or a moan.

“Spend the night with me," Jungkook said.

Jin gulped.


People have different ideas of spending a night with their partner. Some people spent the night watching movies and sharing stories and thoughts. Some spent it taking their relationship to the next level. Some simply want to be with their partner and do whatever they want. And Jin doesn’t know which category they were in.

After Jin came out of the shower wearing Jungkook’s dress, he didn’t go unnoticed by the gazes of Jungkook over him time by time. He felt happy and nervous at the same time to be with Jungkook tonight. But all his anxieties flew away when Jungkook prepared him his favorite foods for their dinner. He ate it like a happy child, and Jungkook enjoyed seeing Jin happy.

After the dinner, Jin messaged Jimin about his absence tonight at his apartment. After reading Jimin’s teaseful messages, Jin finally put his phone aside. He turned and looked towards Jungkook’s room, where Jungkook was currently taking a shower.

Now this is the toughest part.” He thought to himself before walking toward the room.

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